I turned away from the large male, the bed sinking when he lowered his large body into it. My body immediately tilted towards him, and I blamed it on the dip in the bed. As mad as I was at him, something in me was drawn to him, and I was finding it hard to resist the desires of my beast.


I nuzzled into the warmth surrounding me, rubbing my hairy legs together. Wait, my legs shouldn't be this hairy, I opened my eyes, blinking to adjust them to the dim sunlight in the room. Azrael was wrapped around me, his lips parted slightly as he snored softly. I knew I should pull away from him, I was still hurt by what he had done, but perhaps it was time to accept my new lot in life. It could have turned out a lot worse, now I will have freedom to do as I please, and perhaps find some peace.

"You're thinking too much," Azrael muttered, his arms tightening around me, "Just relax, you can go back to hating me later."

"Shouldn't we be heading out soon?" I asked, relaxing against him.

Azrael's brows lifted in surprise, but he didn't question it, "Probably, but once we get to my estate I won't have any time to relax like this."

"Do you hate your people?" I snapped, "Why are you so eager to abandon them?"

Azrael stiffened, narrowing his gray eyes at me, "My estate was a wasteland when the king gifted it to me. It consists of mountains and forests, my people are the first in line to die if we are invaded by the northern werewolf tribes. I have spent the last ten years dedicated to them, building a fortress so they might have protection from the beasts and monsters lurking in the darkness. Forgive me if I am eager to have some time to relax and not be constantly worried about how we will make it through the winter."

"If you care so much then why are you entrusting them to me?" I asked, somewhat relieved to hear he isn't as neglectful as I had thought, "I am a stranger to running an estate, and I know little of the north."

"As I told you before," Azrael said, "I have someone there that will advise you whenever necessary. I also have some time to train you before I leave. Besides, don't you have some idea what to do? You are a viscount's daughter after all."

"Wait," I sat up, looking down at him, "Ten years? How old are you?"

"Twenty-five," He replied, "The Prince and I were tasked with helping the pack there rebuild after their count died in a snowstorm. He had been very neglectful, keeping most of the harvest for himself. The king thought it would be a good opportunity for the Prince to learn some leadership."

"That must have been a lot to entrust to two children." I frowned, briefly questioning my king's sanity.

"I enjoyed it," Azrael said, "The Prince went back to the palace after two years, and the king had me stay. Once the people were settled and the rebuilding was almost complete the king had me return to the palace. I had been there for five years at that point."

"Five years," I repeated, "Why did he have you leave if things were going so well?"

"Prince Killian was getting out of hand," He replied, "I'm sure you've heard the stories of his lavish parties and his lack of concern for anyone but himself. He wouldn't even listen to the princesses."

I nodded, the entire kingdom had heard of the Prince's recklessness and his lavish parties. They also knew how much he cared for his family, stories of how he slayed a great beast by himself to save his youngest sister when he was only ten had flooded the kingdom many years ago. My mother used to tell me stories of the crown prince's bravery. I laid back down to enjoy the sound of his voice. His large hand sweeped gently up and down my back.

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