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“please stop running around so much

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“please stop running around so much.”



name : bonehead , samael

nicknames / titles :
• boney (by everyone else)
• sam (by old companions from celestia)
• the fatui's pet (by the harbingers)
• the skull creep (by paimon)
• bones darling (by lisa)
• dumbskull (by dottore)
• future conqueror of the divine
• lord samael
• the embodiment of chaos and death

age : perhaps a little over 1000+

birthday : he was brought back to life on 12 december so that's his birth date.

gender : male , he/him

sexuality : unlabelled. he frankly does not care about labels or love.

he is not straight though.

affiliations : fatui , celestia (previously)

species : ...eldritch being? skull? undead?  who knows what he actually is.

character synopsis —
a self-proclaimed ex-god with a love for books and biting people. though he is a fatuus, you can rely on him to be the responsible one and clean up your mess. was supposed to be the assistant for one harbinger but ended up being the assistant of all the harbingers.



personality : stone-cold and miserable. bonehead finds himself keeping others out of trouble all the time despite being an assistant. he rarely talks and always distances himself from humans, finding social events to be a waste of time and energy. truthfully, bonehead doesn't want to be around humans simply because he doesn't want to put their lives at risk or scare them off considering the person he is.

bonehead is unintentionally intimidating especially towards children, with his stare enough to make them cry. many may see him as an uncompassionate person with a lack of understanding towards emotions and that is true to a certain extent. bonehead feels emotions and is incapable of understanding them. he only knows that he feels awful when he sees children cry and forms a desire to protect them. though he doesn't seem to understand why he thinks so.

bonehead's a responsible person who attempts to negotiate with others and think rationally before acting. he prefers having peaceful solutions than going for violence, despite his history of being associated with death itself. still, he is a force not to be reckoned with. bonehead will not hesitate to break your bones if he deems it necessary and knows how to politely kick you across the face.

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