Chapter 2:Deathstroke was better!

Start from the beginning

The girl he took care of rushed at his side with a worried expression. Girl was an understatement, she was petite with blonde hair and red eyes. Her name was Felt.

Felt:Old man Rom! Are you alright!

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Felt:Old man Rom! Are you alright!

Rom:I think I broke my back...

Felt:What do you people want!?

Emilia:My insigna, please give it back.

Felt:No way! I already have a client biding for it.

Klarion:Well then...

Klarion brought his hands up as his neutral face turned into a sadistic grin. His hands lit in a omnious dark crimson fire.

Klarion:Guess we can only burn this place to the ground and look for the insigna through the ash!

Emilia:Um, I think we can solce this peacefuly!

Klarion's face turned to normal and the fire on his hands dissapear soon dissapeared. However, it was clear he didn't do so to ponder over Emilia's suggestion when he raised his hand on his right and a magic red shield was created.

Two curved blades hit the shield and were thrown back, but also caught by the one who threw them in the first place. Klarion gave a mocking grin to the attacker.

Klarion:Is that the best you can do?

The assasin in question was a women with black hair and purple eyes. Her garderobe wasn't modest by any means, the only decent part of her outfit being a cloack. Her name was Elsa Garnhirte.

Felt:That's her! She's the lady that wanted the insigna!

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Felt:That's her! She's the lady that wanted the insigna!

Elsa:Good evening to you all! My name us Elsa Granhirte. Given the circumstances, I'm afraid I'll need to kill all of you. My, I think your bowels will be quiet lovely!

Emilia:The Bowel Hunter!

The mortals in the room held faces of fear when faced by this new foe. However, Klarion's face was frozen in a deadpan, a look mirrored be Teekl. It was clear that both Chaos Lord and anchor were unimpressed by her attemp at intimidation.

Klarion:What you look at that, Teekl? Little Miss Assasin thinks she can take us on with a curse and a enchanted cloack...She's got some nerve.

Elsa:My, what harsh words!

Elsa gripped her knives's handles, having learned from her previous attempt and was ready to rush at him. However, before she could move red light shone on Klarion's hand and she was hit by red lightning. The cloack was instantly destroyed and her charred body fell on the floor.

Rom, Emilia and Felt stared in shock at how easily Klarion dealt with Elsa and the fact that he can use lightning magic. However, the weariness returned when Elsa's body quickly healed and she has risen. Although Klarion looked ro be pretty amused by this.

Klarion:Ah, now this is nostalgic.

Elsa:You'll have to excuse me, I seem to have greatly understimated you. I assure you this won't hapien again.

Elsa leaped forward at speeds which would look like teleporting to a normal human and attacked Klarion. However, the Lord of Chaos rised up his hand a little and a red magic construct in the form of a sword pierced her stomach before she could reach him.

Klarion brought the construct up, deeply cutting Elsa and throwing her in a wall. The wall was shattered and Elsa down, but her cut began to heal as well as her new injuries from the impact with the wall once she got the pieces of wood stuck in her out. However, as soon as she looked at her traget she saw red spheres formed around Klarion and both of the Witch Boy's hands formed finger guns.

Elsa:Oh my...

Klarion:Pew pew pew pew!

The spheres advanced forward at immense speed and Elsa's body was riddled with holes, making her fall once again. She began to heal much slower now and Klarion hummed in thought.

Klarion:Yeah, my bad. You're nothing like Vandal.

Elsa immediatly jumped up and began to spin in an attempt to take the Witch Boy by surprise and cut him down. However, the had risen in two curved rectangular pillars that meet at a certain point, crushing Elsa's upper body. What made it worse was how Klarion was clapping his hands and laughing like a child watching something entertaining.

Klarion:Encore! Encore!

After finnaly healing up Elsa brought her head while breathing heavily to see the amused Lord of Chaos, covering her breast because the last attack destroyed tge upper part of her dress. She made a quick decision and jumped back through the hole in the wall, running away.


Klarion:Yeah, she really should take lessons from Deathstroke about being an assasin.

Elsa arrived at a wore down warehouse in the woods. She sat down and coughed out a little bit of blood.

Elsa:My, I never thought I'd meet someone like this in a simple mission. Why, I'd say he's even more powerful then the son called world's strongest magic user Roswal...He might even be on the same realm as the Sword Saint

Her little fight, more like one sided slaughter, with the Chaos Lord played once again in her head. She hugged her half-naked body and giggled like a school girl.

Elsa:I hope I get to see him again.

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