"I apologize," He said stiffly, his eyes still black, "I did not mean to insult them or you."

I didn't respond, slipping on my shoes and continuing through a door that led to the long hall I first came through when I arrived at the garden. Azrael followed closely behind me, still barefoot. When we finally reached the door I stopped turning to him and smiling widely as was expected of a newly mated couple.

Azrael immediately softened, his eyes turning back to gray. He slipped on his socks and boots quickly, the laces still untied when he held open the door for me. Numerous carriages were gathered, the midday sun shining off of the various crests on their doors.

"This way," Azrael said, grabbing my hand gently as we walked towards two large black horses.

The driver on the carriage hopped down gracefully, baring his neck to Azrael. The crest on the side of the carriage was silver, the outline of a mountain range etched in black.

"Good to see you again, my Lord." The driver said respectfully. "I see you fared well in the garden."

"Good to see you as well, Rasen." Azrael replied, "This is Lady Aslin. She will be handling my estate while I am away."

"Wonderful," Rasen barred his neck to me, "I'm sure everyone will be thrilled to have a Lady."

"Thank you," I replied, smiling at the dusky haired male.

"Are the others at the inn?" Azrael asked.

"Yes, they are securing the rooms for our arrival." Rasen replied quickly, focusing on the Lord before him. "We can depart whenever you wish. I believe we will be arriving before dusk if we leave now."

"Wonderful," Azrael glanced down at me, "Did you bring what I asked for?"

"Already in the carriage my Lord."

Azrael nodded, opening the carriage door for me, "Then let's leave now."

"As you wish sire," Rasen quickly jumps back onto the seat at the front, picking up the reins.

Azrael held my hand as I stepped up into the carriage, settling onto the cushioned bench. My mate disappeared from view for a second, going back to talk to the driver. I picked at my messy braid, the strands falling out haphazardly. I was looking forward to a bath more than anything else, relaxing in the warm water and finally getting rid of all the dirt that was caked on me after sleeping naked on the cold dirt.

"Are you ready to see your new home?" Azrael asked, stepping up into the carriage.

"I thought we were going to pick up my belongings first?" I frowned, crossing my arms.

"We don't have time anymore," Azrael said firmly, "I will send some of my men to collect your belongings and-"

"Why don't we have time?" Tears welled up in my eyes, "I want to go home. Please. I want to see my family."

Azrael looked away from me, "I will be holding a festival to announce our mating, your family is welcome to stay as long as they wish."

I didn't reply, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall. Azrael was not the male I had wished for, but at least so far he had been kind. He was right though, it was a very good thing that he would be leaving soon. I wouldn't have to pretend to enjoy his company for at least a year once he left.

"We have one month before the Mated ball will be held at the palace. The day after I will be leaving with the Prince." Azrael glanced over at me, his lips pressed together. "I will be spending my time preparing you for what the role will entail and making sure my soldiers are ready for any threats."

I nodded, looking away from him and staring out the window as we slowly passed by the different shops. Azrael sighed, and I continued to ignore him. I would remain pleasant in public, and I'm sure eventually I would need to get used to his presence. For now I would make sure he knew of my displeasure.


The carriage pulled to a stop in front of a large inn located in the town of Liria. Azrael stepped out holding out his hand and helping me down onto the ground. We walked hand in hand towards the front door of the inn. Azrael and I had remained silent for the majority of the ride, and he had continued to look at me worriedly before continuing to look out the carriage window.

I waited behind him as he spoke to the female at the front. Her eyes kept flicking up and down his body, clearly interested in him. I couldn't help the growl that slipped past my lips as I stepped forward, leaning against him and possessively grabbing his arm.

She flushed, quickly handing over the key to the room and tilting her head to the side, submitting to me. I smirked, grabbing the key before Azrael could. He led me towards the stairway and we quickly walked up them, heading to the room he had purchased for the night. When we got to room 25 I unlocked the door, quickly stepping inside with Azrael close behind me.

"What was that about?" Azrael asked, a small smile spreading his lips.

I looked up at him, "Am I supposed to let other females look at my mate like that?"

His eyes bled black before quickly turning gray, "Of course not."

"Exactly," I replied shortly.

I walked farther into the spacious room almost falling to my knees in joy when I saw the massive bathtub by the windows, steam curling up directly from the hot water. Candles had been lit throughout the room and there was a table by the tub filled with soaps. The only thing that would have made this better would be having one of my favorite books to read.

I glanced behind me at Azrael who was also looking like he wished to jump into the tub, though perhaps for different reasons. Deciding that he had already seen me naked so much that one more time wouldn't matter I stripped off my shirt. Throwing it across the room, my pants and shoes followed shortly after.

I didn't bother looking to see Azrael's reaction, quickly stepping into the tub. I lowered my aching body slowly into the water. Moaning softly as my stiff muscles were at last soothed. A deep growl filled the air and I looked over to see Azrael had fully shifted his black eyes narrowed in on me.

"You can join me," I said, ignoring the way my body had flushed, blaming it on the heat of the water, "Just don't touch me."

Azrael immediately approached the tub, stripping off his clothes as he walked. I looked away when he began pulling down his trousers, hating the way my body reacted. The water sloshed in the tub, and he sank into the water in front of me. I undid my braid, slowly undoing the tangled mess as he watched me with heavy lidded eyes.

"What?" I asked, grabbing the bowl that was on the table and filling it with the hot water, "Do you need something?"

"Yes," He replied quickly, his cheeks reddening at his outburst, "Would you like some help with your hair?"

I stilled, pondering his odd question, "You want to help with my hair?"

He tugged on his dark hair, black eyes meeting mine, "Is there something wrong with that?"

"No," I shrugged, assuming it must be something couples normally do together, "Go ahead."

Azrael huffed, his large hands pulling me towards him, twisting me so my back was to him. I handed him the small bowl and he tipped my head back, some of my long hair already curling in the water. He poured the water over my scalp, wetting my hair thoroughly before grabbing one of the soaps.

The smell of roses filled the air, he lathered up the soap running his fingers gently through the tangled matt of my hair. I moaned when he began massaging my scalp, relaxing against his body. Azrael shuddered against me, his body stiffening when his hard length prodded against my back.

"I am not doing that again," I said firmly, "Stop helping if that is the only thing you want."

"I can't help it," He growled, beginning the process of rinsing out my hair. "This is what happens when a male is near his gorgeous mate."

Heat rushed to my face, my body flushing with heat. Azrael chuckled darkly, grabbing the hair oil that was also scented with roses and rubbing it into the ends of my golden hair. He combed through my hair with his fingers, and I found my eyelids growing heavy. 


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