Chapter 49

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"We know where he is!!" Two intruders barged into my office unannounced taking my attention away from the current work in my hand. The notes were from my new PA leena she submitted after my will meeting with my lawyer. I had added another name to my will. Aylin and our unborn child.

"And where are your manners Mark and Anthony?" I subdued both as their excited face still didn't phase even with my words.

"We found Duke." Mark walked forward ignoring my look.

"I know he is in Greece." "He is in Greece, his hometown." We both spoke at the same sentence as I gave my attention to their face which now looked puzzled with my announcement of knowing Dukes whereabouts.

"I didn't need to ask our PA. About an hour ago I got this video and this email." By now they both were basically running towards my table as I switched the screen towards them.

The video playing, "You need to talk Aiden Hollywood. Don't you? Wanting to know why I did what I did?" He paused crackling like a maniac before continuing, " Before you go crazy scratching your head as to how I know that you know about my actions? I would rather tell you that. Mr Agosti got the whiff of it. When I asked him for help he so generously informed me about this news he got to hear in the market murmurs." He paused again as if letting me process the situation which I did when I saw the video alone before these people came. " He asked me directly if I was the one behind the most blunderous outburst of our society. Which I have to admit I couldn't deny. I mean I am all about modesty but this I had to take. Anyways I know you are behind me and make no mistake I ain't running from you. I would prefer meeting you and answering whatever you want to know but only and only on my conditions. And I have attached them in the mail. Cioa FRIEND." He pronounciated friend to make an effect on his betrayal. I smirked knowing him too well. 

"What does the email say Sir." Anthony asked.

I turned the laptop towards me, closing the video. "He said even for us to think about meeting, we would have to fly down to where he is. Which is Greece. Once we are there he will send his address for the meet. He said we can bring as much security we need he doesn't mind. But he has one compulsion for us to follow."

"And....?" Mark spoke.

"And that is I bring the list of people along with me to meet him. I forwarded a newly printed sheet to them with the list of people Duke had mentioned. It was a list with my family. Aylin on the top most along with Seira.

"Is he fucking Nuts. I am going to wring that shits neck in two. If he thinks we are going to take seira, Madre and Aylin with us." Mark stood frustrated pushing his chair in anger.

"Sir, I still understand your family. But why is my name in the list?" Anthony look genuinely puzzled.

"Well you are connected to us as much as everyone on that list. No wonder he mentioned everyone involved in this mess." I spoke softly.

"What have you thought Aiden? You taking everyone? What if that motherfucker has plans to hurt us?" Mark was red by now.

"Calm down Mark. You should know I am not careless when its about my loved ones. I have already informed Madre, she has agreed with this. And if he wants all of us, lets present all of us there. About security, He cant even think about touching anyone with all of you supervising the trip. And I staunchly feel this is not about hurting us. This is about gran gesture to showcase something he feels needs an audience, a grand ending to his grand plan."

"But can we not do the needful without going there? Aylin is pregnant?" Mark questioned?

"She is, and i am the father Mark. But Duke has planned strategically to hurt her family as much as mine. And he has to have a reason. And I know Aylin she would want to see to the reason. Plus if I have learned anything by now is that I am not going to take her decision on her behalf, its her say and whatever it is be it coming with us or no. I am going to support. If at all she wants to come than all our resources will be behind her to be protected Mark." The realization on his face was indication of my explanation making sense to him. 

I wasn't going to decide on her behalf, if she would come I would be make it my only mission to protect her at all cost. 

Before he could reply back, the ringing of the phone on my desk disturbed our intense session. 

"Is it the maid calling you?" Mark questioned, as I received the phone not bothering to answer him. It my staff is calling it never is for the good reasons. My instructions during my office time were too strict for them to try and call me.



Mark POV

A ghost look passed Aiden's features as he received the call. A clear indication something was dearly wrong.

Smashing the phone he ran pushing me and Anthony on the side, I didn't wait as I asked Anthony to stay and work on the coming investors meeting. If the running was anything to begin with than I already dreaded what held at the Hollywood estate.

The drive was fast and way too quick. Aiden still tight lipped as if a word he speaks would become reality and he feared this moment with the ghastly eyes he possessed right now. 

I knew who it had to be about but I didn't dare speak my mind. Barely parking the car he rushed out stumbling on the way as I went behind him. Running as fast we could it took us 10 minutes to reach the upper floor in the mansion, as my breathing was labored yet Aiden didn't flinch before stopping at the herd of staff who crowded on the open the door.

"Sir, the doctor will be arriving any minute now. We called him the moment Nina found her like this. Doctor restricted touching her to prevent any unruly damage to her moving." Aiden didn't make a move, he stood far his back shielding the scene ahead. I walked ahead shaking his shoulders to see a gory sight ahead of me.

My push on his shoulder pulled him out of his reverie as he shrieked her name running towards her limp body, his pain evident to every person standing there witnessing him.

She looked paled as blood pooled around an ugly gnash on the side of her forehead. Her neck red and swollen following a path downwards hiding inside her clothed body. The damage was harsh and I could pity the person responsible for this. He or she, they signed a death warrant touching Aylin.

The sight caused tears to flow from my eyes. Aiden Hollywood, a name feared and respected, a person to make his own empire after the death of his father. A pillar of strength and arrogance laid on his knees begging the god he never believed in. At least not till this moment.

The staff looked as his cries, no one strong enough to hold him back, stop his crying or control his stature as he hauled pained to see his love lying in blood along with the unborn son. Jesus Christ, never thought I would be baring such a sight in my whole life.

A knock on my shoulder pulled me away from the sadness scene in my life as I turned to see a perplexed doctor seeing the famous Aiden Hollywood crying on his knees. I understood what he wanted to say as I rushed forward forcefully trying to pick Aiden up so he could leave Aylin. She didn't look too fine by now. Seeing he didn't budge I roughly called the staff to help me pull him away as they snapped out of the scene helping me to pull him out of the door. 

"Doctor, please hurry." I uttered the last words before the doctor closed the room with his staff entering behind him. I knew she should have been rushed to the hospital but now wasn't the time to know why the staff didn't rush her instead called the doctor home.

"I cant lose her Mark. I cant. She is my life." His words pulling my attention towards a crying man, no longer giving two shits about his level or respect he had preserved in front of the world as he cried out in front of them today for the girl he came to love more then himself.


Gracias Lovelies.


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