Chapter 26

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Some time before at Aidens Moms house*****

"Did you just tell me that you got married without our blessings and that to a girl only for revenge???" My mother scorned her hellish anger looking nightmarish, even I could admit little intimidating with the women standing blazing fury.

"It was all a part of the plan madre. I am sorry I could not involve you guys. This is the only way to avenge my baby sister." I spoke every word with crushed teeth hurting every second as my sister flashed infront of my eyes.

"And why are you angry?? Did you really not see what condition she is in?? I ran back to state in the middle of the night when I heard she has lost sensation in the left side of her face." I roared continuing again. " my sister can't speak!!!!!! Madre, my sweet sweet girl can't speak words she spoke her whole life?? Why ? Because of that sick excuse of a person who is living his life after ruining my sisters?? And you think Aiden Hollywood is going to let this happen?"........... I was heaving so badly anger pulsating on my neck, painful but right at this moment it didn't hurt a bit, overwhelming the pain in my heart when I saw my sister trying to call me. "I will ruin her life as he ruined my sisters because if that shit person cares for anyone it's her and no one else and this time even you can't stop me." Jerking my body in a harsh turn I left my mother gaping at my angry exit.

"Mr Silva, how are the recent reports?" I calmed myself down before connecting with my office to know the business progress we had established with Agostis, because I knew the next person I had to deal was going to be Ava and her sly father for the deal.

Aylin's house present

"What did you just say??? Did you dare call my daughter your wife, like in million hell will my daughter ever come close to become a wife of a sly manipulating life destroyer ever." My mother was holding my father by his arms holding him tight with her body weight as he tried freeing himself to launch his attack on the shameless smiling man.

"I don't care what you think father in law, she is my wife and we have way too many proofs to justify that." He was still smiling, this wasn't the smile I had ever seen when he was with me, this made him look evil almost sinister.

"Are you doing all this to hurt me Ace, or my brother and if him then why did you drag every member of my family into this mess." I shouted exasperated, my hands moving up and down in my family's direction, showing him his consequences as my brother was lying down but he didn't look conscious anymore.

" So why do you think I did this my pretty wife?" He walked towards me coming dangerously close to my fainting heart, " And sweetheart it was the plan all along. And if this is something you can't handle then I strongly suggest you kill yourself right now infront of your family because my future plans with your family is going to destroy you making you regret everything you ever did." His eyes were red, so red so much anger I could feel radiating towards me, making me forget how angry I was on him. He was self destructive because no sane person would plan something so elaborate to hurt someone.

"But why me Ace? Have I done anything to you or even your family?? Do you not see the irony of the situation. You wanted to hurt my brother because he hurt your sister but you didn't like thing for a second that you are doing the same you hate my brother for???!!" By now I was shouting my lungs off, the anger so stooped deep inside my heart, in fear was now resurfacing, " And for whom your sister, you think she will approve of this, the mess you created all over the world degrading a girl like that??? Do you think Seira will ever approve of this????" His facial appearance contorted the moment I took her name. He jerked me towards him, pulling me with painful force on my arms, " how dare you take Seira's name from your forsaken Mouth?!!!" I closed my eyes as tears slipped due to the pain he caused on my arms.

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