'Ready' was apparently about two minutes after they got to Lauren's apartment.

Or it would've been had Madison not had to stick around and clear the flat for Lauren.

"My mum worries," Lauren muttered as Madison did her job. Camila snickered and covered a smile with her hand.

"You're a mob boss."

"I know," Lauren sighed, "it's embarrassing."

"And I can hear you dear," Mama Jauregui appeared from the kitchen, glanced at Camila before focusing on Lauren, "I'm not having you shot down because you were too busy flirting with law enforcement."

The pair of them had the decency to glance away and look around.

"I'll be around if you two need anything."

"Mum!" Lauren hissed.

"Nice to see you on friendly terms Cabello," Mama Jauregui shot Camila a wry smile before disappearing into her office.

"Cool. Nice. What just happened?" Camila squeaked.

"Mum has known about our little... thing for a while," Lauren mumbled, "she was not your biggest fan for a while but I think that means you're in her good books now."

"Oh thank God," Camila sighed.

"Mads you done yet?" Lauren called out. Madison ambled out of the kitchen with a milkshake in her hand.

"Oh yeah," she sipped on the straw, "all clear boss."

"For fuck- Mads," Lauren huffed. Madison shot her a wink before pointing to the guest bedroom.

"I'll be in there tonight, have fun ladies."

The apartment fell silent as the pair avoided eye contact.

"Do we have to-"

"Yes, yes we do," Camila interrupted with a huff. She crossed her arms and finally looked at Lauren. "You wanted to talk, so... let's talk."


Camila peered around Lauren's bedroom, smiling at the posters hanging on the walls. Lauren lounged on her bed as Camila poked around, giggling at the knick-knacks scattered across her desk.

"I honestly don't know what to say," Lauren said quietly. Camila leaned against the messy desk and smiled at Lauren softly.

"You could say thank you?" Camila teased. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Fine, thank you for saving my life," Lauren replied, going as far as bowing her head. Camila's shoulders shook in a silent laugh. "What even happened that day?"

Camila shrugged and took a deep breath.

"Eilish had somehow convinced a guard to let her into the corridor outside of the visitation rooms, I'd almost got to the security door when I heard yelling," Camila winced as the memories flooded back, "I saw you on the ground, blood already everywhere. Beckett and the other guy had Eilish restrained so I just... ran to you. I don't even remember taking my hoodie off but there it was, pressed against your side."

Lauren gulped, sitting up straighter as Camila took another deep, shaky breath.

"I waited until the paramedics arrived, they wouldn't let me in the ambulance with you but I sent Beckett along. I figured she was your contact on the inside so I could trust her," Camila continued, clenching her jaw, "your sister messaged me once you were out of surgery, but I couldn't visit. Only time I'd regret leaving the force."

Camila let out a soft sigh and wiped at the corner of her eyes. Lauren slowly stood up and moved to stand in front of her; her hands cupping Camila's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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