Thai always gets the full brunt of Miguel's newly found attitude that he developed, because they were always together for some reason or the other, recently they were all a bit concern about his mentally unstable ass so Thai took the responsible of keeping a close eye on him, apparently he's the most suitable person to handle their friend.

Miguel sucked his teeth mumbling "fuck you" under his breath, flicking Thai his middle finger while pacing up and down across the room waiting on Trish.

He was about to get impatient when she struts in immediately apologizing for her tardiness, "I'm so sorry everybody I had some things to wrap up before I came". When she noticed Miguel's facial expression causing her to role her eyes, "don't start with me, I was trying to finish your shit that you've been slacking on" speeching him off.

Trish have been helping him out with his workload since he was in his funk dispite the fact that it's not her duty or department to do so, but she knows what had to be done and did it.

She too received the news from Thai and guilt consumed her immediately, regretting her actions towards her friend, well...ex friend now.

So here they all are in a meeting together that was sanction by Miguel,"let's begin since we're already fifteen minutes late!" looking at the watch on his wrist checking the time, slowly looking up at his sister that was sitting next to Thai, only to see their asses all lovey dovey.

"Sorry Mr grumpy pants don't mind us please proceed" Trish retort with a smirk on her face and her nose in the air fluttering her eyelashes, when she realize her brother staring at them.

Miguel thought both of them was intentionally trying to rub it in his face that he was single but deep down he was low key jealous, not in a envious way but missing what him and Lily had, it was torturing for him to see.

"We all know Lily has left to where? nobody knows, but fellas y'all know from the work we used to do...somebody always knows. I called some of our foreign associates to look out for her if she moved out the country, they all know what she looks like" everyone had their undivided attention to Miguel.

Looking in his eyes they can see the fire, determination and sadistic look that everyone knows that they can't tame.

"Thai all i ask is to not give up on your search for Lily and as soon as you find something let me know, David I need to replenish my gun collection I want a silencer matter of fact bring three, a couple machetes and double up on the bullets, as for Emily and her friend, leave them to me...."


Lily mind ponder on what Nate told her a few hours ago, "Lily he found out the truth, Thai told him so he will come looking for you" she can still hear Nate's voice in her head.

She wanted to tell him she was pregnant but how, "Lily?" Mrs Murphy voice breaking her out of her thoughts, "yes, sorry about that I was just thinking about something, what you was saying?" Lily asked.

Mrs Murphy look at her attentively, carefully observing Lily's body language that has changed since she came downstairs. Her intuition told her that something serious was feeding on her mind.

She took away the one glass of wine Lily was allowed to drink an place both of their drinks on the table "talk to me Lily what's wrong baby girl?".

Nervously biting her fingernail " my brother called to let me know that Miguel found out the truth and he's looking for me but they don't know where I am, and I hope it stays so for a little while" Lily huffed out.

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