Chapter 49

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Leni and her daughters were finally going back to the Philippines.

Leni was looking at the clouds surrounding their plane. She sighed.

Returning was not only going back to her country but Leni was mainly excited to be with the one who made her feel alive, the one who put color in her life again, one of the main reasons of the smiles on her face.

She couldn't wait to go back home.


They say sometimes home was a person.

Maybe they are right.

Home was where her husband was. Home was where her daughters were.

But now?
Home was where her daughters were. But also something else.

Her home was a smile.
A smile that had the power to brighten up her day even in the gloomiest day.

Her home was a smell.
A smell of familiarity. Scents that would instantly give her serenity.

Her home was a voice.
The sound of a voice that had the power to captivate her heart. A voice that always made sure she knew she was loved. A voice so silent, yet so loud that was fixed in her heart.

Her home was a laughter.
A laughter that since the first day Leni heard it became her favorite melody. A melody she wanted to hear everyday for the rest of her life.

Her home was a feeling.
A feeling that made her feel warmth. The feeling of being safe whenever she was with that person.

It is where Leni belonged.
She can be herself with Risa.
She can be strong, weak and anything in between.
She has put up walls for many years now. She built them to be unbreakable, to protect her family and all the people who needed her.
But with Risa those walls went crumbling yet she never felt stronger than now with Risa by her side.
She needed the stoic façade to be strong. But now she found strength in her love for the senator.

Now she finally was going back home.
She was going back to where her heart was.
She was going back to Risa.


The little vacation definitely helped Risa relax even just for a few days, she recharged and now she was ready to fight again in that senate.

She hoped that at least her first days back at work would be easier but people were really testing her patience. One thing for sure was that if they wanted to fight she was not going to back out.

She was going back to her office after talking to the press and she couldn't wait to just call Leni and feel a little bit better, the way only Leni could make her.

As she was walking towards her office she received a call from said person. Her feet stopped moving and calmness invaded her whole body instantly.

"What's this? Do you have powers or something?" Risa asked as soon as she answered


Risa slowed down her pace and just enjoyed the talk with her lover "How did you know I needed to hear your voice?"

"Why? What happened?" Leni asked with concern in her voice

Risa sighed before answering "Just the usual things at work. But nothing a call from you could not make better"

"Is there anything I can do?" Leni asked

"Just talking to you already makes me feel better" Risa said

"Well if you need anything else just tell me"

Risa smiled.
A hug would do it but unfortunately she had to wait another day for any physical contact with her.

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