Chapter 17

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The Robredos were back in Manila, after days of relax in New York.
While in New York they tried to bond again and Leni tried to make it up to her daughters for all the sacrifices and all the things that they had to go through because of her. She also wanted to talk about Risa since she didn't like how they all just ignored it. How could they move on from that if they never really talked about it.
But seeing how her girls were enjoying their time there she figured it was better to open the subject again some other time.

Leni was back in the office to take care of things before the transition of the new Vice President.
The OVP has been receiving a lot of visitors from various officials, ambassadors and volunteers. She was still overwhelmed by the amount of support she was receiving and the kind messages people sent her.

She was back in Manila but there was still one person she did not contact nor visit.
During the entire stay in New York Leni thought about Risa constantly. Every little thing reminded her of Risa. She would see flowers and her mind would go to the senator thinking how she'd love them. While walking in a park she'd think about how Risa would love walking there and the calmness of it. Etc.

Maybe because she was not busy that's why Risa hasn't left her mind for days.

She hoped being miles away from her would weaken the intensity of what she was feeling but somehow whatever she felt only became stronger each passing day.

She made sure not to contact the senator afraid that she would not control herself and hoping it would help with her trying to erase her feelings


Risa was proclaimed senator. It was official now.
She's been spending her time working, interviews and with her kids.

Risa was now with her daughter Helena.

They were just resting in their living room both playing with their phone.

Risa was scrolling through social media looking at Leni's pictures.

She really missed her but respected the space that Leni put between them.
She knew it was not easy for her too, or at least she hoped so, that's why she didn't try to contact her.
She knew Leni was back in Manila but she probably wasn't ready to see her yet.

She sighed looking at a picture where Leni was smiling at the camera. She missed those big eyes and those dimples so much but she had to be strong.

Helena looked at her mom and placed her phone down.

"Ma, okay ka lang?" She asked

Risa showed her her usual smile.

"Of course anak" she said

Helena was not convinced, she knew her mom was going through something, in fact even her siblings noticed it and were just waiting for the senator to talk to them.

"Ma lately we noticed na whenever you're alone or when you're on your phone you always look sad. You can always talk to us, you know that" she said

Should she talk about this with someone? She never did because she was afraid that they might use it against Leni, but now she could feel the burden of this secret.

"I fell in love with someone" she said and all of a sudden all the heaviness in her heart seemed to be lifted.


"And it's not something that we can pursue" she said looking down at her Pink Leather Bracelet.

"Why?" Helena asked

"Because of a lot of things and we decided to just leave things as they are"

"Mahal nyo ba ang isa't isa?" She asked

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