Chapter 2

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The filing for her candidacy was around the corner and Leni was being pressured to think about her Senatorial Slate and Vice President.
There were names proposed to her but she still had at least 2 days to think about them seriously.

Though there was one person, one senator that Leni needed by her side more than anyone.

Leni knew that Risa was going to file the next day, so she really needed to talk to her asap.

Fr: Leni
Good morning Sen, I know you're busy but if you have a 5 minutes break in your sked can you let me know? I want to talk about something.

Fr: Risa
Good morning VP, I have meetings this morning and afternoon but I should have an hour or two for lunch break. Do you need me to come to the OVP?

Fr: Leni
No, it's fine I'll just call you as soon as you're free. Just let me know when you're done and I'll call.

Fr: Risa
Alright. Talk to you later then. Have a good day VP

Fr: Leni
You too Sen.
You know that nowadays they use TTYL right?

Fr: risa
Ay wow. Since when do you use those things?

Fr: Leni
Hahaha. Lately lang. Mga staff ko kase lagi ginagamit mga yan to save time so tinuro nila saken mga yan. But I don't use them naman. Pinagmamalaki ko lang the fact na alam ko ang meaning ng mga yan 😂

Fr: Risa
Maybe you should hire someone older sa staff mo. Halata na ang pagiging tita mo 😜

fr: Leni
Ngayon pa na patapos na ang term ko?
Also I like being surrounded by young people and their energy.

Fr: Risa
True. Ganyan din ako. Pero pag minsan sobra ko na feel na nasa tita stage na ako.

Fr: Leni
Same here.

Fr: risa
I have to go na. May meeting pa kame ng staff ko. Ttyl tita VP.

Fr: Leni
Wag ka nga dyan. Mas bata ka lang ng 1 year saken Senator. 🙄
Talk to you later. Drink water pala, mainit today.

Risa smiled and her morning already seems brighter for some reason.

Meanwhile in the OVP the morning passed by quickly with a few visitors and some zoom meetings

It was already 12.10 pm and Leni checked her phone but still no message from Risa.

*she probably is still busy with her meetings* Leni thought

At that moment someone knocked on the door

*knock knock*

"Come in" Leni said and put her glasses on.

One of Leni's staff came in and gave Leni a few folders.

"Ma'am eto po yung mga list na ni request nyo po kanina"

Leni smiled and took them "thank you"

"Ma'am ask ko din po kung gusto nyo na po kumaen para may time pa kayo magpahinga later before your engagements this afternoon"

Leni then looked at her watch and an idea popping up.

"What time yung first meeting?"

"Na move po ng 3 pm" the staff confirmed looking through her tablet.

Leni thought *okay may plenty of time naman*

"uhm, pauna mo na yung iba at dadaan ako sa office ni Senator Risa. Paki contact narin staff nya at paki sabi mag dadala ako ng food for Sen Risa at sakanila na din. May importante lang kame paguusapan"

SOMEONEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat