"Oh No I'm Park Jimin, I'm sorry I had to take over the interview because of some emergency situation." Jimin said extending his hand towards Taehyung. He hoped that Taehyung wouldn't be proud enough to decline a handshake.

"Oh, well nice to meet you Park Jimin" Taehyung said holding Jimin's hand in his and giving it a firm handshake while he maintained eye contact with the Boy.

"Nice to meet you too Mr Kim" Jimin said smiling.

"Oh please, call me Taehyung. Mr Kim is too formal" Taehyung said smiling at Jimin.

"Let's go to the other room, it's much more quieter than this one" Taehyung said and Jimin nodded.

So Taehyung led the way to the next room, they got in and Taehyung closed the door. He then pulled a chair for Jimin to sit down.

"Oh Thank you" Jimin said smiling as he sat down and put his leg on top of the other.

"You're welcome" Taehyung said smiling at Jimin.

"So in order not to waste your time, do you mind if I record our interview?" Jimin asked already taking out his recording device.

"Of course, please go ahead" Taehyung said smiling warmly at Jimin. Given the go ahead,Jimin turned on the recording device and put it on the table.
After a while, the interview was done, questions were asked and answered.

"Oh uhm... one last and important question. And I'm sure everyone wants to know this." Jimin said.

"Oh I see where this is going" Taehyung said smiling.

"Hahaha that's better...so is Kim Taehyung single or taken?" Jimin asked smiling.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?" Taehyung said leaning close to Jimin's chair in a flirtatious way, but he wasn't close enough for Jimin to back away.

"Everyone wants to know Mr Kim" Jimin said smiling back at Taehyung.

"Oh well I'm single" Taehyung said.

"But hopefully that's about to change now" Taehyung finished off and Jimin smiled.

"Oh you mean you've got your eye on someone?" Jimin asked.

"Uhm...switch off the recorder first" Taehyung said and Jimin did as told. He then set his eyes back to Taehyung to hear what he wanted to say.

"What are you doing Saturday?" Taehyung asked looking at Jimin.

"I'll probably be somewhere out there. Poking my nose in other people's business because that's what I get paid to do " Jimin said smiling with no care in the world.

"Well if you don't have a tight schedule, I'd like to invite you to a party Saturday night" Taehyung said.

"Invite me?...uhm I thought the paparazzi is never allowed at your parties" Jimin said looking confused.

"That's true, that's why I want you to come as Jimin...not the journalist Park Jimin, I just want you to chill with us and have fun." Taehyung said smiling warmly at Jimin.

"Oh? Uhm.... actually I don't think I'm meant to mingle with the likes of you and your friends. I'm just a journalist...and besides, I'm not a party person" Jimin answered now looking down, all of a sudden he had gotten so shy.

"You're not a party person? So what are you? A dinner date person? Because I can do dinner" Taehyung said smiling at Jimin with his charming smile which could get everyone's underwear off. Jimin chuckled and shook his head.

"No Mr Kim. I'm not a dinner date person, I think I should leave now. Thank you so much for taking time off your schedule to do this interview. I appreciate it" Jimin said smiling and standing up.

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