You've got that motherly instinct

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Ace had actually made decent tasting fajitas and we'd eaten together while absentmindedly watching the TV. The both of us were sprawled out on the sofa, I was lay in between his legs while his fingers combed through and untangled my curls. I felt so relaxed like this and I was glad that Ace had left our argument from earlier alone. We were watching Halloween ends when Ace hand stilled against my head, holding my face against his chest.

I didn't think anything of it, continuing to lie against him. He shuffled beneath me, almost like a nervous squirm. "Ava." He whispered and I made a noise in the back of my throat, feeling sleepy. "There's someone at the door baby." I shot up, instantly regretting it as my chest reminded me I needed to stop moving so fast. Ace frowned before sliding away from me, standing up to go and answer the door.

"Sierra?" I heard him talk. "What are you doing here? Howd you know I was here?"

"Ronans waiting for you downstairs." I sat up from the sofa, already walking towards the door. She had Noah in her arms and her face lit up once she noticed me. "Ava."

"Hey Sierra." I greeted, smiling back at her warmly. Ace looked between the both, clearly confused. "We met at the hospital. Noah is my nephew."

"Noah?" He questioned and Sierra signalled to the child that was currently occupied with a lock of her hair. "Is he? Is he Axels?"

Sierra looked over at me, a wary look on her face but I smiled in return. "Yeah he is." Ace looked shocked to say the least but he too eventually smiled.

"Do you mind watching him actually?" Sierra quickly blurted, looking embarrassed for even answering. Ace shook his head, starting to close the door on her and I rushed to the door to stop him.

"What are you doing?"

"You've had a stent fitted in your chest, looking after a baby isn't a smooth recovery. They're hard work Ava." He rushed out, looking warily at Sierra who was looking at us while we argued.

"It's not your decision to make." I snapped, holding my arms out for Noah. He blinked at me for a second before openly grinning at me, a cheesy smile that shown around five teeth. He held his arms out to me and I roughly shoved open the door against Ace so that I could make a point of taking him from Sierra.

Sierra smiled at me appreciatively. "I was going to ask Ma to watch him but I thought this would be a good way for you to get familiar with each other." Noah didn't seem to mind being in a strangers arms, looking up at me as I balanced him on my hip. Ace made a noise and I glared at him.

"Don't you have to go downstairs to Ronan?" I reminded him, gritting my teeth as I struggled to reign in my annoyance. I didn't understand his problem.

"Here's his bag." Sierra interrupted sheepishly, handing over the bag that had been on her shoulder. "I'll be back around ten, his pyjamas are in there so just get him ready for bed and I can just put him to bed when we're home."

"That's no problem Sierra." I assured her, forcing a smile onto my face and avoiding looking at Ace. She muttered another thank you before hurrying away down the corridor and I left the door open. "Shouldn't you be going."

Ace huffed, storming into the kitchen to grab his cut that he'd hung on the back of a chair at the table. "I'm not saying it to be a dick Ava, I'm saying it because I want you to get better." He slid his arms into his cut, staring at me from the table as I continued to look down at Noah. He really was Axels double.

"Well if I need advice about my recovery I'll ask the doctor." I told him, finally looking at him. He let out an exasperated sigh, stepping towards me before wrapping an arm around me. I tensed up, not wanting him to touch me right now. If he noticed he didn't show it, he forced a kiss on top of my head.

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