I'll help you get this home.

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I'd cried myself to sleep after reading Axels letter, I also made a mental note to find the letter he'd wrote for Sierra. I'd woke up and the sun had already set meaning I'd slept most of the day away, I blamed the super strong painkillers the doctor had prescribed me. I thought it best to get up and try to do something productive since I'd been in bed all day. I would've been able to if I had actually had food in the house.

I groaned looking at my empty fridge already knowing I'd have to go grocery shopping, I contemplated just ordering a takeout but that still meant leaving the house to collect it so I decided to be productive I'd go shopping. I smothered out the creases in my shirt, changing the shorts into some gym leggings and pulled on my converse. I made sure that everything was in my purse, money keys and my phone. I also grabbed my inhaler just to be safe.

While walking down the stairs of my apartment complex my mind wandered to Ace, I still hadn't spoke to him and strangely enough I was enjoying the peace for the moment. I had no idea what was going on at the clubhouse, I had no pressures of what I was going to do next and I was savouring it for as long as I could. The only thing I had to worry about for now was what I was going to get from the store.

The air had gotten colder recently and I cursed myself for not bringing a jacket or jumper. It was dark out now yet the streets were still bustling with people and cars raced down the city roads. I rushed walking, the bitter air nipping at my bare skin. I couldn't wait to get this over and done with but at the same time I realised this was probably the most mundane thing I'd done recently.

The heater blew my curly hair that I'd let free when I entered the store, I was surprised it was so quiet. I saw a few people roaming the aisle, some alone and others in groups. There were store assistants stacking the shelves and I grabbed myself a small trolley heading towards the fruit and veg section. I had a love hate relationship with this type of food, axel had always argued with me about healthy living before I shut it down. I'd told him daily cigarettes and beer wasn't considered healthy living, he'd typically dropped the subject straight away.

I started to fill my trolley already with a bunch of grapes and some strawberries, moving towards the salad section to find the cucumber. I loved cucumber it was such a good snack but I hated any other kind of salad. I continued looking at the aisle, filling up as I went along before turning down the baking aisle. I hadn't baked in so long and had the sudden urge to change that, grabbing everything I'd need to make a batch of brownies.

I was struggling to reach the flour from the top shelf, reaching up on my tiptoes but still not being tall enough. "For Fucksakes." I muttered underneath my breath, my fingers barely brushing the shelf. I gasped as a hand rested on my lower back, another appearing over my head and grabbing the bag of flour. The hand was huge, swallowing the bag with fingers that bestowed large chunky metal rings. I spun round looking up into the brown eyes id seen once too many recently.

"You need to be careful." He commented, a smirk toying with the corners of his lips as he held out the bag of flour for me to take. "I'm sure grocery shopping isn't what a doctor would call resting." My cheeks were still warm from the feel of his large palm against my lower back, the butterflies still swimming in the base of my stomach. I opened my mouth to talk when he shook his hand that held the flour and I quickly took it from him.

"Thank you." I mumbled, putting the flour in my trolley. I stood awkwardly with my back to him, not knowing what to do. Did I keep moving or ask him if anything interesting had happened in the hours from when I'd last seen him?

"Shouldn't you be at home Ava?" He asked just as I started to push my trolley away, I halted slowly turning back to him. Ronan was smiling down at me, warm eyes that heated my face even more.

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