The Clubhouse

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I couldn't find the words as this man closed the door and leaned against it with his arms crossed over one another. My eyes were instantly drawn to the tattoos that were now on full display but it wasn't actually the tattoos I was focused on, it was the muscles that accompanied them.

"Ace." My brother nodded to which he nodded back.

"Axel." His voice was deep and resonated throughout the room. His eyes moved from my brother and landed on me, his expression was hard. He watched me, clearly awaiting me to talk.

"Well?" He prodded. "Tell me about why my clubhouse is a shithole? Why it's not good enough for you to stay in while your brother and I aswell as the rest of my club keep you and it's members safe?"

I widened my eyes, I wasn't expecting him to be so abrupt and I certainly wasn't expecting him to ask me so many questions like that. I tried to think of something to say but the more I looked at his mildly irritated face the more I stuttered.

"I-er um, I."

"She's just upset Ace." My brother spoke, saving me from his unforgiving stare. He was now looking at my brother who was hovering beside my bed. "She doesn't know anybody from the club, she don't know nothing about it."

"Yeah well I think she's old enough now don't you Axe?"

I saw the defiance in my brothers stance, he knew I wasn't ready to be involved in any of this but he also knew that I now needed protecting. "No." He bit out. "She's only there for protection she doesn't associate with no one other than me, Gunner and his family or you."

Ace sighed and shook his head. "That's not going to work and you know it. You can't hide her away forever." He told him. "Now we need to go, things need to be prepared for Queen Avas arrival."

I bristled at his obvious mockery and drew my face into a scowl which he seemed oblivious to as he exited through the door. When the door finally clicked shut Ace let out a sigh and smiled sympathetically at me.

"Well kid." He said. "I gotta bounce but you'll be home within the next few days and your staying at that clubhouse."

I couldn't even speak before he'd left me in the room, an advert playing on the tv and the sounds of my machines beeping to keep me company. I watched through the glass pane in the door as my brother spoke with two others then pointed towards my door before disappearing after Ace.

The Two men took up the doorway, stood side by side and watched the people scurrying past them in the corridors. They seemed to be making conversation between one another and it was obvious that no one was getting in or out.

I pulled my mask back over my face, seeking the fresh oxygen it provided. Another friends episode was just starting when I felt myself begin to drift back off to sleep.

After the doctor had woken me up to tell me that I was ready to go home my brother had returned with Gunner, Tahlias older brother, and helped me get ready to go. We'd argued about the clubhouse again but I was fighting a loosing battle and soon gave in.

So here I was sat in my brothers room which was more like a storage space. He had a double bed, a sofa and any other necessities a biker would need when staying here. He told me I could have the bed and he'd sleep elsewhere.

He was out somewhere with the other club members and I'd refused to come out for dinner, I wanted to stick to not having to associate with anyone I didn't have to. Instead I decided that I'd read a book, I'd just stay in here and mind my business.

I hadn't even made it to halfway through the first page when somebody knocked the door. I sighed and placed the book on the small bedside table, beside the poorly lit lamp. I opened the door expecting to see some sweaty biker in search of my brother but was overjoyed when I recognised the bright ginger hair and blue eyes.

"Tahlia!" I exclaimed before pulling her into a hug and holding her close. She giggled at me before pulling away, a mischievous grin displayed across her face.

"Oh I know that look, whatever it is you've got planned Tahlia. No." Her grin didn't even falter and instead she pulled a bundle of clothes from behind her back. There was leather and checkered material but that was all it took for me to shake my head rapidly.

"Come on!" She pleaded. "Get back at your brother for bringing you here, get out there and mingle."

Her words made sense and even though I knew that it was a bad idea I wanted nothing more than to get back at him. Maybe if he saw me get involved he'd ship me back to our apartment and I could return back to my normal life.

Against my better judgment I ushered her inside the room and snatched the clothes from her hand to race towards the en-suite bathroom, eager to try whatever she'd picked out on.

Once I was dressed I smoothed the clothes out and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good, all that needed to be sorted now was my hair. She'd given me some leather high waisted trousers with slits in the ankles and a matching leather crop to match, thankfully she'd also given me a dark blue checkered shirt to wear over the top.

When I left the bathroom I noticed Tahlia had now gotten out her makeup and I shook my head all over again. "No." I told her. "That's too far, no makeup."

Yet one look into those blue eyes and within a few minutes I was sat in the bathroom as she painted my face with god knows what. Yet when she chirped a happy 'Ta-dah!' And ushered me in front of the mirror I gasped at my reflection.

She'd given me a dark brown Smokey eye that made my blue eyes almost glow, which she had framed with a cat eye liner and some mascara. She was grinning from ear to ear at her handy work and I couldn't believe that it was me looking back through that mirror.

"Now we're ready, get your shoes on and let's go." She commanded, marching out of the bathroom. I was hot on her heels in search of my trusty combat boots.

"What about my hair?" I pondered, looking up at her as I tied my laces. She frowned at my question.

"Leave it." She told me. "I like your curls, they're sexy. You should embrace them."

I rolled my eyes at her, she knew how much I hated them. They were a nuisance and I couldn't ever tame them without straighteners. So knowing I now I had to go out there with this nest on my house had my anxiety at an all time high.

What if they thought I looked a mess? My hair certainly was. What if I didn't fit in? What if they saw me as an outsider? The questions went on and on and on which only added to my nervousness and I was struggling to contain it.

"Hey." Tahlia spoke softly, grabbing my chin between her fingers. "You look bomb as fuck. Don't overthink get out there and show them who Axels little sister really is."

And that was exactly what I did.

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