Drunken Night

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I was trailing behind Tahlia as she pulled me through what could only be described as a party. The deafening rock music was being drowned out by the hollers and yells of the different people inside of the bar area.

A few leather bladder men with large bushy bears and beer bellies were playing pool in the corner of the room, beside them were some others who were playing on the fruit machines. Next to the bar was a group of women who were making conversation and only paused to take large sips from the beer bottles that they had been holding.

There was an empty stage at the far right of the corner beside a dance floor that was currently occupied by a bunch of men and women who were dancing together. I fought to cover my eyes from the sight, they grinded up against one another seductively while whispering. The scene seemed almost intimate yet as I looked to Tahlia she didn't seem the slightest bit bothered, she was unfazed by anything that was happening in the room but I was completely out of my comfort zone.

She pulled me towards the bar where a big burly man with greying hair stood behind it while polishing off some glasses. I would recognise Tahlias dad in any room, when my parents had died her parents had looked after me while my brother drowned his sorrows. I smiled at him as I sat on one of the stools that my best friend had pulled out for us both.

"Hey pops!" She greeted, raising her voice so that she could be heard over the music. His eyes lit up at the sight of his eldest daughter and he put down the glass while throwing the towel over his shoulder to greet her with an awkward hug over the bar before his eyes turned to meet my own.

"Huh?" He asked. "Who's your friend princess?" I fake gasped and opened my mouth in fake shock, pretending to look offended with my hand on my chest.

"You've forgotten me already Mr. Peters?" I asked, pretending to wipe away a fake tear beneath my eye. He chuckled at me before pretending to shove me.

"It's John, remember? And I could never forget you Ava," he told me, a smile taking over his face. "Just didn't recognise you with your new makeover." He threw a knowing look in his daughters direction who was avoiding his condescending gaze. "You know Axels not gonna be happy about this don't you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I don't care."

He threw his hands up in mock surrender before pretending to back away from the both of us. "I'm just saying, don't let Tahlia put all the blame on you."

"Dad!" She shouted incredulously.

"What! I know exactly what you're like, you're your mothers daughter after all."

We all laughed at that, everyone knew that Tahlia was her mother's twin in more ways than just looks. They had the exact same personality and if they were in the same room you wouldn't be able to tell that they were mother and daughter, many people mistook them for twin sisters.

"Well what can I get you girls?" Her father asked, clapping his hands together. Tahlia smirked at me as she leaned over the bar and pointed at a dreaded bottle.

"Let's do some jäger shots!" She hollered which was met with the hollers of some boys that had now sat beside us. I had to double take before I realised that these two boys were in fact twins, the only difference being their eyes.

"Milo, Mac." John nodded, acknowledging them. They nodded back before spinning on their stools to face Tahlia and I.

"Mac." The boy with hazel coloured eyes greeted, holding his hand out in front of me to shake. I smiled before reaching out and shaking it.

"Ava." I told him to which he smiled at.

"What a lovely name." He winked, my cheeks becoming warm with a light blush. "Well what do you say Ava? Shall we do a shot together?"

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