Dear Ava

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I'd spent the night in the hospital and Ace still hadn't returned, I was disappointed but somehow hadn't been expecting him to turn up. I'm sure he was probably tangled up with something at the club. No one had returned to guard the door either like before, I'm sure this probably had something to do with the conversation Ace had last night with Gunner. The doctor had visited me this morning, he'd told me that I was ready to go home and recover there, something I couldn't wait to do. I'd just finished getting ready to leave, waiting to call a cab when my door creaked open.

To my surprise it was Ronan with a big bunch of red roses and a get well soon balloon. He was dressed in his cut today and his hair had been put back into a low bun, the smell of his aftershave filled the room as soon as he'd entered. "What are you doing here?" I asked, folding my arms over one another as I looked at him.

He smiled, lifting the roses in his hand. "This is a sorry for yesterday." He told me and this, he pulled on the balloon. "Is for a speedy recovery."

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, he had no reason to be nice to me. Yesterday he'd made it clear he didn't want me in Noah's life, not that I'd let that happen, and he'd been so rude to his sister about it too. His hands dropped to his sides, letting the door close behind him and moved closer into the room. "That's close enough."

He smiled at me. "I'll be honest Ava I came here to genuinely apologise because I was angry yesterday, I wasn't fair to you." He admitted. "But I'm also here because you intrigue me."

I frowned. "Intrigue you?" He nodded, putting the flowers down onto a nearby surface and letting the balloon fly to the ceiling. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"You stood up to me yesterday and I'm not used to that." He told me. "I also can't understand why you hang around such a bad omen." My frown only deepened, I had no idea what he was talking about. I was starting to realise he said all of these complex sentences with no meanings behind them and I had no idea why. "The club."

I was at a loss for words, it was something I'd been asking myself for most of last night. I wasn't entirely sure why either. "I guess it's all I've ever known."

He tutted, leaning up against the wall with one shoulder while looking at me. His eyes were exactly like Sierras, a light brown that reminded me of honey almost but he had an edge to them. He was calculating, most definitely an observer. "But it isn't. I know Axel kept you clear of the club until recently and i apologise because from what I've heard it was down to the rebels. I have tendency to piss them off and the deal I've made with Ace has most definitely done that."

"How do you know all of this?" I asked him, sitting on the edge of my bed. I was intrigued by him, he seemed to be around my brothers age but was more calm and collected but I knew that could change he'd shown me just that yesterday.

"The city talks." He smirked, his left foot resting atop of the other. "I know there's more to you than what meets the eye and all I want to do is know it all."

"Why?" I chewed the inside of my cheek nervously, I don't know how or why but he'd made me nervous. He spoke so different to anyone I'd ever known and just when I thought I could maybe work him out he surprised me. Turning up at the hospital with flowers?

"Like I said Ava, you intrigue me." He admitted. "I'd like to get to know you if you'll let me."

I shook my head, turning back to my bag to avoid looking into his prying eyes. "Ace told you yesterday, I'm not available." I gasped as I felt him behind me, his hands appearing either side of me as he leaned down to talk into my ear.

"And I told Ace I didn't see a ring." I shivered, feeling his breath at the base of my neck. I opened my mouth, ready to tell him to step away but he'd done so already. He was now back by the door, his hand on the handle. "Like I said, I'd like to get to know you Ava and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other now that we share a nephew. I've got to get going now love but it was a pleasure seeing you again."

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