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Chaeyoung's nose scrunches at the bitter taste of coffee. Damn too little sugar. She hadn't been able to get a good night's sleep in quite a long time and she was running on coffee. All night, just as she was about to fall asleep her baby would wake up hungry or just crying about things Chaeyoung couldn't figure out. Sometimes she would just need a diaper change. Sometimes she was just hungry and other times she just wanted to be rocked.

But other times Chaeyoung couldn't figure out what Heejin wanted. Those times she felt like a failure of a mother. What kind of mother didn't know what her baby wanted?

The front door rings, taking her out of her self-deprecating thoughts.

On the other side, Jungkook stood with a nervous expression. She looks down to see his hands full of bags. Big bags.

"Hi...", she starts with uncertainty. She didn't know how to greet him. She didn't know where they stood. Was he back to the asshole neighbor or was he gonna be the supportive, kind guy who held her hand while she brought Heejin into this world?

But in her heart she knew, they weren't going back to being insignificant people in each other's lives. He would be in her life, that much she knew. And he'd matter. He already did. He was an anchor that kept her grounded through a hard time which she should've been sharing happily with her family and friends.

That in itself made him someone special. She just didn't know what that meant for them. She could see them being good friends in the future despite their conflicting personalities.

Jungkook smiles hesitantly. It seemed he was as clueless as she was on how to interact on a normal day. It seemed they were well-synced in an adrenaline-high environment. But this was new territory.

Jungkook shifts in his spot and clears his throat. "Um... are you free now..? Or do you have somewhere to be?"

Chaeyoung waves him off. "No, I have nowhere to be at the moment."

"Do you mind if I..?", Jungkook points inside her house.

"Oh, my bad! Come in come in.", she scrambles.

"How is Heejin? How are you? Are you holding up alright?"

Chaeyoung chuckles, "Yea.. I'm fine and Heejin... She's great-She just-", Chaeyoung lets out a content sigh, unintentionally bouncing on her toes, "-She's a dream. She's just this little bundle of joy and she does this thing in her sleep where she just reaches out to me like she knows I'm near her. And she's just so healthy. She eats well and sleeps well-Well not all the time-She has these crazy sleeping patterns and -she's so-", Chaeyoung stops abruptly and looks at him embarrassed and covers her mouth. "Sorry, I'm just happy- She's the best thing that's ever happened to me..."

Jungkook laughs at her, amused, and shakes his head. "No, do go on. Don't stop on my account. I like listening about her. I'd like to think I'm her fairy godmother."

Chaeyoung bursts out laughing at that, not expecting him capable of cracking a joke. And the imagery of Jungkook in a fairy tutu was too absurd to keep a straight face.

Jungkook didn't think he could grin this big but he felt like he had achieved something by making her laugh. She looked tired and worn out, and he was glad he could bring this bright look to her face. It suited her. Very much. He placed the bags in his hand on the counter, "I bought a few things that I thought would be useful for her..."

"ALL OF THIS?"There were at least a dozen bags.

"Have you seen her? She's the cutest thing on the planet. She deserves to be spoiled."

EVERY STEP OF THE WAY - A Rosekook Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now