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Chaeyoung hums as she packs rice cakes in each container mentally calculating all the neighbors she should deliver this to. Her hand pauses abruptly when her next-door neighbor comes to mind. Everyone but him. She would give out rice cakes to all her neighbors but him. Not that she didn't want to. In fact, Chaeyoung wanted to clear up any misunderstandings and didn't want him to have a bad impression of her. But how was she supposed to face him if she was scared of him? She didn't want to piss him off any further. What if she does something that makes him mad? Yea no. She didn't want to take that chance. She planned on avoiding him for the foreseeable future.

She had a lot of work today. Chaeyoung had to show the ropes to the new employees she had hired for her bakery. She had already come up with a menu but still had some setting up to do. But she was confident that she could open the bakery by this weekend, right on schedule.

She already had flyers ready to advertise the opening and had already set up an Instagram account as well for the new bakery and had spent a good amount of time promoting it.

The part-timers she hired were high school students who she was sure would help a lot in spreading the word to their friends. And to top it off, along with the rice cakes she had made to give to her neighbors, she made sure to include a flier of the bakery in there as well.

Chaeyoung put on the biggest smile he could muster and got ready to meet all her new neighbors.


Jungkook internally sighs when he sees two other people already in the elevator he gets on. He hated socializing and his stone face devoid of any smile always irked all the older people in the building. They didn't like him very much, with his lack of conversation and his one-worded, curt replies. He could already feel the judgemental stares he was getting as they unabashedly eyed his tattoos.

He pays them no heed as always and pretends to scroll through his phone. He did a good job at ignoring them till he caught part of their conversation.

"I have lived a long life and it's safe to say that those were the best rice cakes I've ever eaten."

"Even I can't make such good rice cakes.", The other lady agrees.

"That girl was so sweet too."

"Oh yes, and she helped me when I lost my cat too."

"She's so pretty. I wonder if she's seeing someone. My son could use a good wife like her..."

Jungkook heard them praising a new girl who just moved in. He didn't care about any of that. But his ears zoned in on the part where they said that she practically gave the entire building rice cakes. He racks his brain thinking if he heard anyone ringing his bell. Nada. He couldn't come up with a single moment in the past week. Maybe she lived a few floors too far from him. But despite all the reasoning he did with himself, he was disappointed he didn't get to eat the rice cake. Food was his kryptonite and the way the Ajummas were raving about this particular rice cake, made him envious. That is until he overhears another critical piece of information. 'The girl from 411.'

That was his floor. In fact, that was the apartment right opposite his. Oh. That girl. The one who just moved in. Of course. How could he forget?

So what he's hearing is that she went around giving rice cakes to everyone in the building BUT him?! Someone who lived a few feet from her?


And as if fate wanted to partake in his anger, just as he was entering his house, the girl's door opens and she stops in her tracks when she makes eye contact with him before bowing and locking the door behind her.

EVERY STEP OF THE WAY - A Rosekook Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now