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Chaeyoung really hated being pregnant. 

She loved the peanut growing inside her. Don't get her wrong she did. But god, everything else, she could do without.

Having to pee every two minutes, not being able to bend forward, the horrible back and body pains...UGH. No thank you. Thankfully she was blessed to not have morning sickness. She couldn't imagine what that would be like.

But above all, those stupid Braxton Hicks contractions. UGHH. If she was gonna get contractions just before she was going into labor, then why does her body need to make these horrible false contractions? She remembers the first time she experienced them was when she was still uneducated on all things pregnancy related. She had genuinely panicked for a good second and ran to the hospital thinking she was going to lose her baby only for her doctor to calm her down and properly explain to her everything about what she should be expecting. That along with a shit ton of book recommendations that she should read to prepare herself. Not that she minded. It helped. A lot.

But the contractions that were hitting her right now, she really couldn't take it. She was sitting in the living room going through old pictures of her friends. She missed them a lot and she was wondering what they were doing when all of a sudden she was hit with one mother of a false contraction.

It was getting worse these days, she realizes. She decides it's best to go lie down in her bed but as she walks over, another one hits and she can't take it anymore. It was bad. Really, really bad. She holds onto the edge of the table not being able to take the pain. All of a sudden she feels something wet. Chaeyoung looks down in horror.

Oh shit, the floor was-It was- Her water broke. These weren't false contractions-Holyshit she was going into labor. She couldn't walk. It hurt too much to move. Chaeyoung searches for her phone with tears blurring her vision.But- She had no one to call. She had to get herself to the hospital. Now. She crawls to the front door, her tears coming faster now.

She felt truly helpless. Oh god. Her baby. She hoped her baby was alright. Once she gets it open, she tries to get into a standing position, only for her legs to give out. She really did have a bad pain tolerance. She felt pathetic. "AGHH!"

In her panicked haze, she notes the door in front of her. The one that belonged to her neighbor. Hope blooms in her chest. He may be an asshole but not even he was a big enough asshole to turn away a pregnant woman who was going into labor was he?

She forces her aching body to push forward and crawls to his door and bangs on it with all the strength she can muster in her state.

Not even ten seconds later, the door opens with a swoosh and he stands there with an annoyed expression. That is until he sees her lying on the ground. The horror in his eyes seemed instant.

"Help me.", she whispers brokenly.

That seemed to bring him out of his daze. He drops to the ground and his hands flit over her body, not really sure where to touch her. "What's happening-Where-"

He watches her hand go to her stomach, "Take me to the hospital. Please."

A determined gleam reaches his eyes. He runs inside and comes back with his car keys and he's already put on shoes.

Jungkook scoops up the woman in his arms and carries her to the elevator, his movements quick and precise. Chaeyoung feels another contraction hitting her and she starts clawing at his shirt. "Hurts", she sobs out.

Jungkook was lost. What the fuck was he supposed to do? He didn't want to show that he was rattled. She was scared enough and seeing him unnerved would worry her too. He had to stay strong to make sure she'll reach the hospital safely. Hell, to make sure the baby comes out strong and healthy.

EVERY STEP OF THE WAY - A Rosekook Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now