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Welcome to another chapter of Legends $ Lore. Today I will be writing out the story of the creation and development of the world by dianatea and Florentia but with a comedic twist. Sit back and enjoy.

1st: https://meiker.io/play/12216/online.html

2nd: https://meiker.io/play/12736/online.html

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From a previous chapter on the spring festival we saw what the major goddesses dianatea and florentia look like, above is a more accurate full-body description

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From a previous chapter on the spring festival we saw what the major goddesses dianatea and florentia look like, above is a more accurate full-body description. Let's get into the two's creative journey. 

Dianatea was sitting amidst the empty vacuum of space, molding and shaping what we now know as the Solar system.

"Sister, what are you making?" Florentia asked

"I don't have a name for it yet but it is to be a system of many connected planets with this one in the middle" Dianatea said pointing to the sun in the middle

"What's a planet?" Florentia asked

"Don't worry about that, just don't touch anything," Dianatea said. Florentia flew around what had already been treated then came to a blue planet that was the third after the sun, out of curiosity she placed her finger on it to poke it but green patches instantly sprung up.

"What did you do?!" Dianatea yelled

"I-i don't know I just touched it and all this happened!" Florentia panicked

"And I was going to name it aquar but now it has plants as well so. . . ."

"Call it earth," Florentia said

"Earth? *sigh* if you must then that is yours to take care of" Dianatea said reluctantly.

Florentia was now in charge of flourishing the earth, one by one fields and mountains, rivers and springs sprung up from the ground but the earth was so empty that dianatea had to create life.

"I think we should make giant lizards," Dianatea said

". . . . .Elder sister I love you but what the actual fuck?" Flroentia said

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