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Bella's POV

The senior year was coming to an end and we had just finished our last round of classes, Ezra and I were in the auditorium helping other students and teachers decorate it. In a few weeks, we will be graduating and ending our Westcrow journey.

Ezra and I had flown up to the top of the auditorium to drape the fabric decorations.

"Hey Belle just move a little to the left," Ezra said

"Okay" I replied, I shifted a little to the left and hung the fabric as I let go of it a sharp pain hit my chest, and my vision blurred i lost control of my powers and nearly fell till I felt an invisible force wrap around me.

"Bella! Are you okay? You looked like you were about to pass out!?" Ezra asked, she had used her telekinesis to lift my body before I had a chance to fall.

"Yeah I don't know I just felt hurt, a sharp pain just shot into my chest," Bella said

"A sharp pain? Maybe you're just exhausted, you've been here for hours how about you call it a day " Ezra said. I had been in school running around, helping with order confirmations, decorations, and other arrangements.

With Ezra's help, I was able to float down to the ground safely. I left the auditorium and got on my carriage back home.

I got home and met my mother just coming out from the dining room,

"Bella dear you're home early, I thought you'd still be with your friends at school," Mother said.

"I wasn't feeling too well, I nearly fell from the ceiling," I said

"Fell? Dear Dia, are you okay?" Mother asked she held my arms and looked around my body.

"Oh don't worry mum Ezra was there to catch me I didn't get hurt"

"Oh good, here, dinner will soon be ready go upstairs and have a bath and cool down," Mom said.

"Okay, see you later mum," I said.

Normal POV

Bella went up to her room and met Siyue arranging,

"Welcome back miss" Siyue curtsied, "I expected you to come back a little later"

"I know, I know I wasn't feeling too good"

"How so my lady?" Siyue asked

"I felt a kind of rush of energy, it hit my chest so fast I didn't even have time to understand the feeling," Bella said, Siyue stayed silent and stared at Bella with worry

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Bella asked

"Nothing my lady, I'll have your bath and nightwear ready for you," Siyue said

Bella took a warm bath and got dressed in her nightgown. She went down to the dining room and sat down with her mother and father for dinner.

"Bella dear I heard you weren't feeling so well," James asked.

"I'm feeling a little better now Dad," Bella said. She sat down at the table and was served her dinner, for a good thirty minutes she sat and happily chatted with her family.

After the main courses were done dessert was served and it was one of Bella's favorites but before she could take a spoon of it the same pain in her chest came again.

"Bella dear are you alright?" Theresa asked. Bella looked at the blurry vision of her mother and father,

"I'm fi-" Bella got up from her seat but a sharp pain hit her head and she fell to the ground, her eyes were rolling back into her head and she was convulsing with a foam of saliva oozing from her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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