20. station

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Im starting to like this book allot more, i have a great storyline for it im probably gonna make hayden an oc character and do a face claim but im not sure tell me what u think<3


"You're dick"
"I know"

Its been 2 hours after me and jaden stopped texting, me and jayla started making tiktoks. We've made around 7 before the car came to a stop, making me look out of the window to see a gas station a pretty big one.
"Okay, snack break grab something and get back in the car" dj said turning of the engine and getting out.
Jessica opened the car door for us. the boys getting out first, i pushed the chair forward getting out jayla right behind me.

"Foodddd" jayla groaned before running into the store connected to the station.
Javon and daelo walking hand in hand inside.
Leaving me and jaden standing there.
"Wanna get a drink?" Jaden asked me putting his hand in his pockets.
"No thanks" i said walking the other direction of the drinks.

I walked towards the candy isle seeing lollipops and all kinds of sour candy's. I heard a whistle suddenly making me turn around, to be greeted by a tall black haired guy towering over me. "Hey there gorgeous" he spoke in a intimidating voice. "You shouldnt eat that candy, it will make you're curves leave" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

I slapped him hard across his face. "Get of of me" i pushed him back.
"Don't push me again lov-" before i could even progress what happend, jaden was on top of the guy trowing punches left and right. Blood dripping from the guy's nose as i stood there watching frozen in my spot.

"Jaden!" I heard jayla yell.
The guy got a few punches against jaden aswell even though jaden was winning.
Jayla pulled jaden of of the guy. I turned my head to see javon running up to us. "You okay?" He asked but before i could awnser he walked over go the guy giving him a hard push.
"Dont you ever come near my brother agian" they were standing eye to eye before dj came and broke them apart.
Jayla and my mom asking me if i was okay i nodded and turned to jaden, who now had a black eye and a small cut on his nose and one on his lip.

"Hey are you okay?" I said grabbing both of his shoulders and pulling him into a hug "thank you" i mumbeld just loud enough for only him to hear.
I let go to see our parents talking to the managers. Dj grabbed jaden at his shirt and pulled him out making us all follow. "Are you out of ur mind?!" Dj yelled at jaden letting go of his shirt.
"Go clean yourself up." He pushed jaden towards the bathrooms.
"Ill help" i mumbeld before running after him.

"You didnt have to do that yk?" I said turning around the corner to see jaden trying to stop his nose from bleeding. "Yeah i know" he said not even glancing at me, i rolled my eyes and jumped on the counter. I turned to the side to grab a paper towel and wet it with water.
I patted my lap making him walk forward standing between my legs, leaning his arms on my thighs.

I cleaned most of his face up in silence. I looked at his lips who had blood on them from the small cut on them. I trew the bloody towel away and grabbed a new one. I gently pressed the wet towel on his lips trying to get all the blood off of them.

I dropped the towel next to me but jaden didnt move.
"You're a dick" i mumbeld looking into his beautifull brown eyes.
"I know" he said glancing down at my lips.
We stood like that for what felt like decades.
Untill we got interupted by jayla. Who stood leaned against the wall.
"HA, javon owns me 20 bucks" she said laughing before walking out. "Cmon everyone's waiting"
A slight laugh escaped my lips.
We all got back into the van.

Dj Jessica mom
Jaden daelo javon
Hayden ------ jayla

Driving for at least 30 minutes we got on the destination. Nah this looks like an house people get killed in in those horror movies.

 Nah this looks like an house people get killed in in those horror movies

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House just a little bit smaller.

"Woww, im definitely going ghost hunting" daelo said grabbing his backpack.
Everyone was amazed by the house expect me and jayla.
"Yeah were out" i said walking back to the car. "Wait for me" jayla yelled.
I felt someone grab my wrist and so did jayla. "You two are not going anywhere" jaden said pulling us back.
I rolled my eyes at him.

Am i still mad at jaden for what he did? Yes of course i am. I just can't handle the fact its over. And that i need to accept the fact he's moved on or back...? I dont even know, the only thing i know is that i have to move on to thats gonna be hard isnt it?

Love does make you crazy huh?


10 more chapters to go, dont worry im probably gonna make this story longer since im starting to love it, please comments on tips for my writing so i can improve it. Love y'all have a great day night or morning<33

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