9. the dinner

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This was goanna be a longgg night..

We all sat down for dinner, jessica made a lot wow...

3 different salades
Pasta with cheese
And a lot more

I wanted salade but it was next to jaden.
So im goanna have to talk to him.


I was debating wether i should ask it or not. Its just fucking salade.
Ugh im just goanna ask jessica.

"Jess, could i have the salade" i asked politely seeing jaden looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"Jaden can you pass hayden the salade" jessica asked eating her soup
"You could've just asked me" jaden said not budging to give the salade.
"Yes, but i didnt" i said.
"Why didnt you just ask me, why do you have to find your way around things?" He said getting mad.
"Can you stop making such a big deal out of it?" I whisper shouted

"Ohh im the one making a big deal outta things" jaden said chuckling.
"Yes your freaking are right now" i snapped.
"Jaden" jessica snarled
"Hayden" my mom said at the same time.

"Your the one who accused me of cheating, and didnt even give me a chance to explain" jaden shouted.
"Woww what did i miss" jax popped in.

"You fucking kissed her right in front of me how do you think i wouldve react!" I shouted back louder.
"Hayden" my mom shouted for my language because of daelo, who was innocently watching.
"She kissed me what else do you want me to say" jaden shouted he became really red i could see he wanted to cry, and so did i.

"Nothing" i said looking away.
"God, fuck this" he stood up.
"Language" dj said.
"where do you think you're going?" Jessica asked.
"To my room im not goanna sit here, with someone who thinks i cheated on her" jaden said annoyed
"Sit down" dj spoke.

"I said sit" dj spoke turning towards jaden.
He hesitated not wanting to argue with his buff dad.
He sat back down and avoided eye contact with me, there was an awkward silence in the room.

"Soo..." Jayla started.
"You were dating my sister, and cheated on her?" jax asked glaring at jaden.

"Yes...no..yes..wait n-no- i was dating her but i didnt cheat" he stumbled scared to death off my brother.
"So you're the reason she was crying, when she got home" he continued.
"Jax-" i tried to stop him.

"I didnt kiss ava okay she kissed me i pulled away, why does nobody understand that"
"jay-" jayla spoke.
"Nah hell nah" i dont want you're speech again or yours he pointed at javon.
"Okay uhm jaden hayden maybe its better if you go talk about this upstairs?" Jessica added in

I crossed my arms until my mom told me to go, we walked upstairs to his room. He sat down on his bed i stood with my back to the door.

"No way you moved on that quickly" i said quietly.
"As if it was really that easy for me to get over you" he started.
"Jaden i-"
"Yk i just need time" He said.
"You need time you need fucking time? You shut the fuck up" i walked towards him as he stood up.
"Hayde-" jaden started.
"No, stop i actually loved u i still do.." i said regretting it immediately, its true though i do truly love him.

Tears started streaming down my face as i was having a complete break down. "You love me?" Jaden asked before coming up to hug me.
I cried into him and mumbled something close to a yes.
"I love you to" he mumbled before grabbing my chin and making me look up at him. We stare into eachothers eye's, i knew jaden wasn't goanna make a move, because he probably thinks im goanna wack him across the face.

So i did

Kissed him.
And than i woke up


So i did i pulled jaden in for a kiss, it was passionate at first but it turned into a long make out session. He sat down on the bed as i went down his jaw to kiss his neck and i probably left
A hicky or two🤷.He let out a small moan as i did.
I started grinding on him.
"Fuck" he mumbled soft hiding his neck in my chest.
I started palming him trough his pants with my hand, "dont stop p-please" he hummed as he let out a few loud moans.

I quickly cover his mouth.
The door opened and daelo came in and jumped on the bed.
"What are you doingg" he asked happy.
Jaden let out a deep long groan
"Nothing why" i said ignoring jaden.
"Okay great! lets play fortnite" daelo said smiling bright.
"You can play on mine go get your headset" jaden said to daelo since he has the ps5. Daelo walked out.

"Okay, lock the door" he said quickly.
"No we cant do that" i said feeling bad for daelo.
"What you started this" he said refering to his boner.

"Well i-" daelo walked back in with his headset, he walked towards jaden's tv. "Can u set it up for me jaden" daelo asked holding the cables.
"Hm sure thing bud" jaden stood up almost not being able, to walk towards his brother, javon walked in
"Y'all made up?" He asked.
"Yeh" we both replied

He sat down on the couch looking at jaden walking, with a confused look on his face before realising.
"Oh shit y'all really made up" he gasped laughing.
Jaden stared at. His brother with a shut the fuck up look.

"What do you mean?" Daelo asked javon.
"Well" javon started oh shit here we go.
"You know the sponge you got for you're birthday, the one who gets big when its in water?" Javon said.
"Well jaden has the same one!" Javon said smiling at jaden.

After fortnite

It are just you and jaden in the room right now, you could stay the night from jessica so you did you're mom and jax went home.

Its 1 am right now and you and jaden are making out under the blankets, it gets hot so i trow them off.
Its 1 am right now and you and jaden are making out under the blankets, it gets hot so i trow them off.

1225 Okay so creds to my bsf c for some of the ideas anyway love yall💕

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