1. hangout

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kaylen and i were sitting on a bench in the cafeteria eating our lunches in silence, as we looked around the cafeteria before we noticed coco strolling towards us.

"i think javon likes me." coco said, smiling slightly as she sat down. i smiled softly being happy for her even though it was obvious kaylen also had the same thoughts about him as coco did.

"He just made a tiktok with you don't get too excited" kaylen said staring at coco with an annoyed expression.
kaylen has never really liked coco especially because coco went after javon after kaylen made it pretty obvious shs liked him. i mean i caught on pretty quickly, I'm not sure about coco though.

"Hey coco" i said, i covered my mouth with my hand as i chewed my food.
"how are you?" coco asked us no one in particular. "Great before you ca-"
I cut kaylen off before she said something she'd regret.

"Great were doing great." i said pursing my lips. personally i found coco pretty nice, it was kind of bitchy what she did with javon though even though I'm not sure she knows.

Coco opened her salad and scooped up some of it on her fork.
"can i ha-" coco stopped mid sentence as jaden, javon, ellie and piper walked towards us. "hey." she smiled as they sat down on the empty seats.
"Hey." he said before taking a swig of his water.

"Hey" jaden said lowly as he sat down next to me, which i returned with a smile. as i took a bite of my pizza i heard a voice call kaylen making me and the rest of us glance up.


just fucking great
and as always...
"don't you think you had enough of that?" she said while looking at kaylen who ate her pizza.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I said while looking straight at her.
"Okay lets jus-" javon started. "Just saying" she said as she walked away.

piper chuckled as she covered her mouth. "i mean maybe she is right?" mumbled carefully earning a slight chuckle from coco. "are you serious?" kaylen asked glaring at piper in disbelief. piper gave her an obvious nod as her eyes slightly widened. kaylen threw her pizza back on her plate before walking off. i groaned before going after her with elliana.

"tomorrow they will act like nothing happened" i said chuckling at elliana. "tell me about it" elliana said as we catched up with kaylen. "don't worry about them they don't know what their talking about" elliana said making me nod.

"besides we have much more important things to worry about" ellie said smirking.

"No." kaylen and i replied in Sync.
"oh come on prom's coming up and yall don't have a date" She said frowning. "He's probably going with coco anyways." kaylen said as she leaned her back against her locker.
"He rejected me last time, not gonna happen" i awnsered.

"oh come on, it'll be fun," she said responding to the both of us. "besides you guys could just go as friends? i just want you both to be there." she said truthfully.

"Who r you going with?" i asked curiously, i shifted in my position leaning my weight from my left to my right leg. "Jentzen." she smiled.




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