19. trip

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"no" i stated to my mom "im not going."

"Honey, Its just for 2 weeks" she said grabbing the dirty plates of the table.
"Exactly, way to long" she rolled her eyes at my comment.

"He cheated o-" i started but soon got cut of by my mom. "Cheated on u yes i know honey, but you're not only going with him" she tried to explain as i shifted on the couch and crossed my arms.
"This is so unfair, i havent seen them in days and u expect me to act like nothing happend?"

It is true, i havent seen them in a while, well apart from school. I have shared some waves with javon here and there, and maybe a hug with jayla but that's kinda it.
I've been trying to avoid jaden and ava as much as possible. I expected him to distance himself from ava, and try to apologize or even explain it to me. But he did the complete opposite.
Hanging out with her after school or at her house, not his of course for certain reasons. Jessica nor dj know about there relationship, jayla has been updating me quite a bit.
They had a small argument in the hall yesterday, ava was complaining about something, but i didnt care enough to find out.

"Well the tickets are already booked" so i dont know what u expect me to do, jessica is my friend its not my problem u and jaden have you're things." With that i walked upstairs and closed my door, i walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower trowing on some comfy clothes.
Putting my airpods in.

I was scrolling on tiktok as a notification of instagram popped up.
I clicked on it, as i realised it was a live notification from jaden who has started a live. I was one of the first 3 people in his live. And he saw that. I stressed so i tapped the screen trying to leave the live but it only made me like it. I could cry right now.
Why didnt i block this little shit.
He's such an asshole can't believe i dated him.

I fell asleep not long after.
Me on a trip with my ex? Thats a no go.
And still there i was standing outside with my suitcase next to my mom. Waiting for us to get picked up by dj.
"Promise me you will be polite" my mom ranted on about my behavior having to be spotless. "And i want you to great them all, so that means jaden to"
I rolled my eyes and slid my headphones in sliding my curls over it, ignoring my mom talking.
Grabbing my phone swiping left to go to my chats.

Tripple problem💕

So you guys know
About the trip i told u
I wasnt going on?

E: What why?
K: wtf, come to mine or smth.

I wish i could
Anyway gtg i see there car

E: byee ily
K: byee ly


"Just because i'm here doesnt mean i want to" i stated starting to drive my suitcase towards the car.
"Hii" Jessica said exited getting out of the care and hugging me. "Im so sorry you and jaden didnt work out"
"Its okay" i said as i pursed my lips into a forced smile.
She went to hug my mother. As dj got out to put the suitcase's in the trunk. After giving me a polite wave and a hi.

Jayla got out pretty short after Jumping up and hugging me.
"Omfg i missed u so much"
"I missed u to!" I hugged her back tightly before letting go. "Im sorry for not really reaching out, i had a lot goin-"
"Nonono i completely understand" she said before javon got out and pulled me into a quick hug.
"Hey there" he said smiling.
"Hey jav" i smiled back.
I glanced inside the car to see jaden sleeping with daelo's head rested onto jaden's shoulder as his eyes were closed aswell.

"Jaden's a dick, dont let him ruin our vacation okay?" Jayla said grabbing both of my shoulders snapping me out of my trance.
I gave her a weak smile before we all got in.
My mom in the front with Jessica and dj, jaden daelo javon in the middle, and me and jayla in the very back.
With an empty seat in the middle for our snacks.
The drive was pretty long jaden's recently woke up rubbing his eyes while letting out a yawn. Dam he's hot.

He gave me a weak smile, witch surprisingly i shot back. Surprising both me and him.
The eye contact was longer than i wanted to, even though none of us got the urge to look away. Untill jayla showed me something on her phone, witch made my head turn.

I laughed at the tiktok she just showed me, before my phone lit up.
Jaden walton has sended u a gif•

This asshole i looked at it and laughed a bit. Me and jaden spend the whole ride texting eachother jaden ignoring the calls and messages he got from his girlfriend. Jaden enjoyed talking to her agian even if it were just stupid stickers and gifs. It counted and even if she doesnt want to admit it she missed this feeling texting jaden for hours like they used to do.

the dare • j.w × female (Oc)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें