(Mr & Mrs Murphy)

Alone in the room in my thoughts saying a little pray "Oh lord what to do I need your help" stuck between a rock and a hard place, my heart verses my mind, trusting and believing in god to work this out day by day because I don't have the strenght right now.

Then I realized I haven't talked to anyone back home since I got here.

I dig around until I found my phone and pull it out, that's the dam time?!, can't believe I was out for all them hours.

Then I saw all the miss calls, they are going to cuss me out. Nate, Sebastian and mama Em were all calling down my phone, but I'll call nathan then send the others a voicnote because if I contact all of them I will not get any sleep.

Calling Nate....

Dumbass bro❤: Lily I want to fight you right now, I've been calling your ass since yesterday when Thai left, I went to your place last night and Sebastian loud annoying fansy pants boyfriend answer the door, how could you go Switzerland without telling me bye!, mama...".

He continues to fret like a little girl, and how could he say that about my boo kyle.

I need to stay as stress free as I can, Nate would not send up my blood pressure so I'll wait till he's done ranting.

Dumbass bro❤: are you listening to me Lily.

Me: I'm pregnant and currently in the hospital.

Giving it to him straight no chaser, I don't have time to beat around the bush. I could hear his thoughts with the deafening silence on his end.

Dumbass bro❤: what?!, '"what happen is she okay!".

Hearing a feminine voice in the background ask, who this dummy have over there now, does he have me on loudspeaker?!.

Dumbass bro❤: you're pregnant! Please don't play with me right now.

I could hear the crack in his voice, he would not admit it but his ass want to cry like a baby. Both Nathan and I was in the hospital room together when Dr Lloyd told me I might not be able to have kids and he always wanted nieces and nephews.

Wait...is she screaming.

Me: Nate who is that in the background you have hearing all my fucking business dummy!.

I was so mad, the less people know the better for me.

Dumbass bro❤: its me baby, I can't believe I'm finally getting a grandbaby.

Mama Emma shouted so loud on the phone I had to move it away from my ear.

Me: he could have said you where there mama, I was about to cuss him stink. Yes I'm pregnant mama Em! first the doctor misdiagnosed me saying it was another cys, then she called me as soon as I reach home over here to tell me I'm two and a half months pregnant!! ".

I could hear Nathan sniffling in the background over mama Em loud mouth, imagining his face right now probably a hot mess. As she continued to scream and cheer, it was time for me to take a rest.

Me: okay you two I have to go take a nap I'm so exhausted from one drama to to a next my body is on autopilot, so love you and I'll call again when I get home.

They shouted "bye and love you" in unison before hanging up.

It feels good that I'm not alone in this journey, I won't lie and say I'm elated that Miguel doesn't know about our baby, but I'll let life take it's course and let him call me first and take it from there.I can't think about me but for my child and it was never in my plan to be a single mother, he has to take responsibility too when she's born.

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