SEQUEL - Chapter 31

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, not for me thank you." She said, causing the waiter to nod before he moved to pour Daniel a glass, but the Aussie looked up at him for a short moment.

"For me neither." He said, causing the waiter to move on to Sebastian and then Max, pouring them both a glass instead as they allowed him to. Daniel had watched the waiter for a moment, he wasn't showing any emotion which was kind of triggering something in Daniel, to try and make him react, so he rested back against his seat and pressed a hand to his belly.

"But don't worry, I'm not pregnant. I'm just an alcoholic." He joked, waiting for the waiter to say anything while Sebastian had to cough, the sip of wine went down the wrong way. At least one person thought his statement was worth a reaction. The waiter on the other hand did not react fully to Daniel's despair.

"What is Charles doing to my daughter?" Sebastian asked once he had swallowed the sip of wine he nearly choked on, causing Joanna to face him for a moment, she was about to tell him that she would take care of it. That she would talk to Charles the first moment given and that Max and she were trying to be there for her. Max even thought about asking Pia if she wanted to come to Austrian for the summer break, but Daniel was fast to speak as usual.

"The last thing I know is that she left Lando," Daniel said, causing Max to kick him under the table. For a moment Daniel looked at Joanna angrily who was sitting beside him, thinking it was her, but Max kicked him again, which caused the Aussie to look over at him.

"Behave," Max said, while Sebastian furrowed his brows.

"She was with Lando?" He wanted to know what caused Joanna to exhale slowly. She did not know how much Pia talked about her relationships actively with Sebastian, but Joanna knew that all her father knew about her relationships was due to him having an army of little spies. It was definitely not that bad with the Vettels but Pia wasn't living with them any longer after all and something like that easily caused secrets to arise.

"I will try and mend things a bit, but they are grown up now, you can't really safe them from themselves," Joanna promised him, a wary look on her face. She herself wouldn't have mentioned Pia even with a single word, but Daniel was faster than her after all.

"Yeah, not like we all tried with you guys plenty of times," Daniel spoke up while gesturing around with his water glass, which Max watched closely. Something was off, he saw it the moment Daniel sat down, but he won't address it just yet. While Daniel was a man of many words, who never really shut up, Max was one of few words.

"What's going on with you, Dan?" Max wanted to know, causing Joanna to lift her gaze from Sebastian only to look at Daniel as well.

"Nothing, really." He spoke. "And isn't that the problem?" The Aussie wanted to know.

"Do you have the slightest idea how much shit is going on with you guys at the moment? It's kinda hard to follow, but yeah I would have a few questions if you feel like answering them?" Max heard the frustration and anger in Daniel's voice but it was all there to hide something else. Fear.

Picking up his wine glass, Max nodded to himself. "Ask then. I will answer what I can." He spoke which was a surprise to Daniel, who watched Max take a sip from his wine but before he could ask, the waiter was back to take their order, giving Daniel some time to think about what he wanted to know. Everything. But he would have to start somewhere.

"Are you dying?" Daniel asked after turning to Joanna. That was the most pressing question and also Sebastian wanted an answer to that question. The whole world wanted to know, which caused Max to reach out and take Joanna's hand which was resting on the top of the table, before smiling at her saddened but encouraging.

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