Chapter 12: A visit to heaven

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The sun immediately was shining above Y/n as we see him laying what seems like white wool or something soft as he make a groan as he slowly wake up. He cover his face with his hand from the blinding light and sat up and let out a yawn as he stretched his body.

Y/n: Huh it's weird how my bed is more comfy then before. Wait a minute?

He immediately start to look around and immediately stood up and seeing that he is standing what seems like a huge cload as the sky is more of a golden colour rather then blue or night sky as Y/n is both shocked and confused as he look around and wonders how he end up here.

Y/n: Okay what is this place? How did I even get here? The last time I remember was drifting off to sleep. Did I get teleported into a new world again?

Suddenly he heard something that sounded like wings as he look over to see what looks like a Angel flying towards him and soon lands in front of him. At first he was suspected to meet Nanael but was surprised to see a short pink hair female angel as she stare at him and then bow in front of him.

???: Greetings Y/n. Its nice to finally meet you.

Y/n: Um hi there? Wait? Did I die?!

???: Well no, you see your still asleep but we bring your soul here so you can be here.

Y/n: So in other worlds I'm not dead but still asleep?

???: That's correct. Besides Nanael did said you will be here to talk to our leader remember.

Y/n: Oh yeah and your her friend right?

Hachiel: That's correct. The names Hachiel, a pleasure to meet you. Now come, she is waiting for us.

He decided to follow her as Hachiel lead him through the heaven. Soon they come across heaven like gates which they open slowly on it's own as they walk through and Yn was left speechless as he sees many female angels flying around or walking about while there is some buildings and statues around them.

Y/n was amazed by this and always wanted to know what heaven looked like and he sees why many priests likes heaven so much.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa! This is amazing! I may have several thousands questions about this place.

Hachiel: (smile) Perhaps later but right now our Head Angel would want to see you in person.

Y/n: (smile) Well I be a honor to meet the head Angel of heaven.

Soon they arrived at a huge golden like door which Y/n sees Nanael there looking worried until she look over to see Y/n and rushes over to him.

Nanael: Thank gods name you are here! Okay you need to try not to make them mad. They're serious angels, try not to make some jokes and try not to lie. They will tell you are lying.

Y/n: (smile) Relax Nanael its going to be fine. Besides it's not like a trail or anything.

Hachiel: Actually it is.

Y/n:...........Say what now?

Hachiel: Well the Queens blade was kinda ruined by your arrival and they want to see if you will be guilty or not.

Y/n stood there a bit and immediately turn to look at Nanael which she was a bit nervous and tell him.

Nanael: (nervous smile) I guess I didn't tell you that huh Y/n (nervous laughter)

Soon the golden doors open to reveal what seems like a court room which nothing Hachiel and Nanael leaf Y/n inside as Y/n stood in the middle while many angels sat down and looking at him and soon a large Angel appears in front of them which Y/n is shocked to see how big she is as she calls out.

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