Chapter 11: The guilds beach day

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It's been several days since Count Vance death and the fall of his kingdom and his army. After the war the citizens and guild members who have left returned to the Kingdom but this time bigger with new people and new guild members after they heard what happened during the battle and they were amazed by this.

Soon there were a lot of people then before and even knights from Count Vance army joins Kane's kingdom and be their Knight warriors in battle.

Claudette has taking up role as leader of the Knights and she will lead them into battle while Elina works for Y/n's guild and she help around the guild while also flirt with Y/n since she start to fall for him after the final battle. Everything is seem alright and better then ever bjt it gets even more better when Kane came over and told Y/n and the rest a great news.

Takeshi: (surprised) We're going to the beach?!

Kane: (smile) Yep. Since you all worked so hard and you need time to get things sorted, I decided to have your guild take a beach day off so you will come back fresh and calm.

Leina: (smile) That sounds great.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah thank you.

Kane: (smile) Qnd don't you worry Y/n. I'll bring something cute for you to look at. Okay take care~!

She then walks off while Y/n blushes just thinking about it as Tomoe and Shizuka approaches them.

Shizuka: So what's happening? Is there any problems?

Leina: (smile) Nope. We're going to the beach, you girls interested?

Shizuka: (smile) Yeah that sounds awesome!

Tomoe: I'll join as well but after that i want to challenge both you and Y/n to combat.

They were a bit surprised by this as she gose on to tell them.

Tomoe: You did forget that we are still apart of the Queens blade battle right. I wish to challenge both you and Y/n to a battle so we can see who will win.

Leina: Well I needed to get stronger so sure. I'll accept your challenge.

She nods and turn to Y/n as he thinks about this and with no choice he sigh and said.

Y/n: Alright but let's not battle in this kingdom. It's best we don't cost more destruction then before.

Tomoe: Understandable. We get our swim clothes ready and we meet up at the beach.

Shizuka: (smile) See ya!

Then the two walk off while Y/n has forgotten about thw Queens blade battle and probably needs to get his weapons ready when it comes.


We see Y/n walking through town along with Takashi as Takashi told him that there is a blacksmith that is pretty awesome and also sexxy as well which Y/n shakes it off to his imagination but he gose on to ask.

Y/n: Is it a new store?

Takashi: Yeah they open it three days ago. Trust me, this women have large melons if you what I mean.

Y/n: Right. Still after everything has been happening I completely forgotten about this Queens blade battle royal thing.

Takashi: Guess going on adventures znd meeting with new people makes you forget huh.

Y/n: Yep it dose.

Takashi: Still is it true that Count Vance turned into a demon?

Y/n: Yeah. I think the demons must have done it but it seems they haven't been active since we came to the Kingdom. It's like they are afraid of this kingdom or something.

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