Chapter 7: The Kingdom war (Arc 1)

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Things have gone strange for a few weeks within Beacon Valley. Supplies transport that was suppose to transport food and water to the kingdom slowly started to be disappear and the people are starting to run out of food because of it.

Not only that but some of the citizens heard some rumour that cost them to leave the kingdom without any reason as to why they are leaving. Soon we see Kane, Y/n and the other Generals talk about this strange situation and try to find out what it might be.

Male general 1: This is weird. For the past few weeks our Supplies transport has slowly and then suddenly disappear and when ever we try to contact them, there will be no answer.

Male general 2: And some of our citizens are leaving the kingdom but without any reason.

Kane thinks about this as she never seen something like this before.

Y/n: I heard some rumour I've heard that made the citizens in this kingdom to leave but I didn't get a clear answer since the citizens whisper to each other in secret.

Male general 3: I do. They heard that another kingdom is angry with us and wants what ever it is back.

Kane: And what kingdom would that be?

Male general 3: My apologies princess but I didn't get a clear answer before those citizens I was talking to left the kingdom. But what ever this kingdom is feared them to their bones.

Y/n: Could it be another demon kingdom?

Male general 3: It's a possibility but we do not know.

Kane: Still we must be ready when they attack.

Male general 4: What if it's not another demon attack. What if it's another human kingdom?

Kane: Then we must figure out what they want and what we can do to please them. Thus meeting is over, dismissed.

The four Generals left and once that it was only just Kane and Y/n in the room as Kane walks up to the window looking down at her kingdom while Y/n joins her as they look at the veiw.

Kane: This is something I never seen before.

Y/n: What ever is going on, we can stop it.

Kane: I know but who ever this new mysterious threat might be, I afraid it might be as strong as ours.

Y/n: Don't say that Kane. We can beat them, we just need to know what's going on and get things back to normal.

Kane smiles as she turns to look at him with a warm smile.

Kane: (smile) Oh Y/n your just so brave. That's the reason we are gonna get married one day.

Y/n blushes while Kane daydreams the wedding again like usual while Y/n turns back to the veiw and looks at the kingdom as he ask himself.

Y/n: (thought) What ever is going on I need to fix it. But I can't do this on my own.


Y/n arrived at his guild and once there he was surprised to see less members then it was. Y/n walks through the halls when he was spotted by Oki, Takeashi, Hikaru and Isamu  as they rush towards him.

Takeashi: Dude what ever these rumours are, this guild is involve of it.

Y/n: What do you mean? Where are the rest of the guild members?

Hikaru: That left. What ever those rumours are, they decided to leave without any reason.

Y/n: Okay something is odd here and we need to figure out what's going on and put everything back to normal.

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