Chapter 3: Snake cave

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We see a castle near by a lake as we see guards at the front gates of the castle protecting it from any threats that might come at them. Then they see soming coming towards them as they were getting ready for what it might be.

Then they stand down as they see Claudette as she is riding her horse as she hose through the bridge and makes a stop at the front gates as guards greeted her return.

Male knight: Miss Claudette, it is good to see you again.

Claudette: Is my father here, I have an important news.

Male knight: Yes ma'am we open the gates right now.

The guard signal the other form above to open the gate and he did as the gate opens up as Claudette rides her horse into the gate and once that she put her horse into her stable.

???: Hello big sis!

Then Elina runs over to Claudette as she hugs Claudette as her face was at Claudette's breast as she says.

Elina: (smile) It has been a while since you left. Tell me, have you found our other big sister?

Claudette: Yes I have but will you place let go.

Elina: (smile) No way, you have been gone for a while and I just wanna hug you very very very very much!

Then Claudette hits her on the head as Elina let's go and rubs her head as Claudette walks pass her as she says.

Claudette: Do me a favour and never try to do that again.

Elina: Aaaaww your such a meanie.

Claudette ignore her and enter the castle as she walk through the halls and soon she reach two doors. Once open she step into the throne room as she sees her father as he looks up at her as Claudette bend down to him.

Count: I see you have returned. Where is Leina?

Claudette: My apologies father but she managed to escape.

Count: How disappointing of you.

Claudette: But I have more. She is with a boy by the name of Y/n and what I can tell while fighting him, he is shown to be strong and survived of my attacks.

Count: Your telling me that Leina is with a boy and that boy if protecting him?!

Then he slam his fist onto the handles in anger which Claudette flinch a bit as her father stands up and says.

Count: I will not allow this to happen. Claudette I want you to find Leina and bri g her to me and bring this Y/n to me as well. He must learn that no one will not challenge us and must be punished.

Claudette: Yes sir.

Claudette stood up as she turns and walk over to the door. As soon she opens it Count sat down on his throne chair and says to Claudette.

Count: I will not expect any failures this time Claudette. If you ever fail me again, I'll make sure you suffer the same punishment as Y/n.

Claudette: Y-Yes father.

Then Claudette left her father alone as Count shakes his fist in anger as he will not allow Leina to be hanging out with Y/n and he will make sure that Y/n will be punished.


At a small town we see a small guild as many adventurous go in and out as inside of the guild we se many people there taking a drink and chatting to their friends. At the far back we see Leina and Y/n as Y/n has an idea and tells Leina about it.

Leina: Taking on some jobs?

Y/n: Yeah, if we gonna travel any further we need some money right?

Queen's Blade Harem X Op Male reader: The powerful Warrior kingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora