Chapter 14: What a princess wants (lemon)

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We find Leina relaxing at the spra bath just relaxing as she let out a soft sigh while Elina and Claudette where also with her also relaxing as they are enjoying their time together.

Elina: (smile) This feels amazing. You know, we never have something like this for years.

Claudette: (smile) For once I agree. It feels great having us together and just relaxing.

Leina: (smile) Yeah it does feel nice.

The trio were slient for the moment until Claudette turne to Leina and ask her.

Claudette: Can I ask you something Leina?

Leina: Sure, what is it?

Claudette: Are you......Still mad at me for everything I've done. I know it's in the past but i can't help but feel guilty shaming you of disobey our father and yet our father became a monster. I feel ashamed of my actions and it keeps me up at night.

Leina: Sure it was rough in the past but that's all in the past and I think this will be a great time to fix up what was broken a long time ago. We're sisters, we should stick together.

Claudette: (smile) Agree.

Elina: (smile) I love you girls! Say, Where's Y/n?

Claudette: I believe he's with princess Kane.

Elina: Really?! Awww man! She's lucky.

Leina: Why do you want to know where he is?

Elina: I figure we can trick him to come here and we all have a "good" time with him.

The two girls blush of that idea while Elina can just imagine how it will happen with hearts in hee eyes.

Claudette: Is "this" another reason why you left?

Leina: One of the reasons unfortunately.

Claudette: Huh.....I can't blame you on that one.

Elina: You two are just too mean! I'm love all of you.

Leina and Claudette: Do you even know the word "love" means?


At the castle we see Y/n on the balcony and looking at the nice veiw of the kingdom when he heard the door close behind him so he turn to see Kane walking up to him which he turn to her.

Y/n: So, anything?

Kane: I have gather many reports about sightings of the Queen blades warriors. Some are from this land while some are from other lands. Its unknown where they are exactly but we do know there are stories about them.

Y/n: I see. Well let's focused on the those in this land and see what we can do.

Kane: Understood. Since you brought someone new into my kingdom.

Y/n: Yeah she's nice but I told her not to kiss anyone know.

Kane: Oh I see. Say since I did my job, can you do something for me?

Y/n: Sure, what is it?

She then gets close to him, too close in fact that her breast pressed onro his chest which made him be as Kane looked up at him and ask him.

Kane: I want to have sex.

Y/n blushes bright red while Kane goes on to say.

Kane: I know you had sex with Leina so I too want to as well. I love you and I want to do it with you.

Y/n: (blush) Y-Y-You sure? This is all quick.

Kane: Not to me! I wanna do it with you.

Y/n wasn't sure what to say but before he could the door open as Leina, Elina and Claudette enter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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