Part 20

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TW: attempted suicide, self harm, hospitals, mentions of life support, blood, injuries, fainting, drowning, divorce

~Addy's POV~

I woke up to silence. Too much silence. I walked down the stairs to see Sofia silently sobbing, Rory hugging her tight.

"What happened?" I stop dead in my tracks.

"Sofia's mom is in the hospital on life support. She needs to go home and I want to come with her. You coming or not?" Rory deadpans, stroking Sofia's hair.

I contemplated for a second. I would probably see Alex, also I wasn't exactly ready yet.

"I'll let you guys go.. I need some time with myself" I say sadly.

"I understand that" Rory smiles lightly.

"Thanks." I walk up to them and give them a hug.

"Tell Ash I said bye?" Rory mumbles.

"Of course" I nod.

I walk back upstairs and laid down. I opened my phone and checked Instagram. I looked up Alex's profile just to check up on him and saw he blocked me. I throw my phone on the floor and start crying.

I walk over to my mirror and stare at myself. My hair was a mess, I had yesterday's makeup on - which was smudged, and my clothes were dirty. I was ugly and a terrible person.

I hear the front door close and the house got really quiet. I couldn't stand to look at myself any longer. I grabbed my phone and threw it at the mirror, shattering it. Glass scattered around the front of the mirror and I grabbed a big piece, stepping on little shards of glass. I held the glass in my hand and looked at my distorted reflection.

I held it tight and squeezed it, feeling it pierce into my hand. Blood trickled down my wrists as the glass punctured my palm. It hurt so bad, but I deserved this.

I eventually stopped, pulling the glass out of my hand. I stared at my bloody hand and felt light headed. I sat down on the floor and felt my eyelids close. My thoughts went empty and the pain stopped.

I woke up a few hours later and stared at my hand. It was still bleeding slightly. I stood up and stumbled my way to the bathroom. I wrapped my hand in gauze and bandages. I looked down at my freshly bandaged hand and felt tears well up in my eyes.

I went outside and walked to Ash's apartment, knocking on the door. They opened it, an unamused look on her face.

"Hello" They deadpanned.

"Can we talk...?" I stare at my feet.

"I'd rather not talk to you right now"


"You said some fucked up things last night. I don't know if you remember, but you called me a whore and a freak" she closed the door.

I stood there in shock, trying to remember when I said that.


I stomped up the stairs, Ash stopping me.

"What's wrong?" they ask.

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now