Part 2

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TW: swearing

I woke up to Rory shaking me awake.

"Bitch if you don't wake up in the next minute I will go on that date myself"

"What time is it"

"10:30. Wake up now."

"Shit yeah I'm awake"

I shoot up and grab my phone.

"You're not lying. It's actually 10:30"

I scramble out of bed and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and blow-dry my hair. I do my makeup and check the time.

10:47. I have some time.

I walk back outside the bathroom and check my closet. I grab a white skirt and a white shirt to go underneath my sweater vest. I fix my hair a bit before grabbing my phone and leaving.

"Bye Rory!" I yelled

"Have fun with your loverboy!" She yelled back

I notice the piece of paper in my phone case and take it out. Alex's phone number.

Rory. You son of a bitch.

I smile to myself before putting it back in my phone case. It can stay for now. I shoot a text to Alex before walking to the café.



K see you there

I put my phone back in my bag and walk towards the café. I see Alex sitting on the bench out front. I wave and smile and he smiles back.

"Any hangover?" he asks

"Slightly" I chuckled "How about you"

"Not really. Shall we?" he asks opening the door and bowing slightly.

"Why thank you kind sir" I giggle before stepping inside

He was wearing a t-shirt with some jeans and converse. With a beanie of course.

We get a table and wait for the waiter.

"So I'm curious. Why the beanie?" I ask, setting my menu down.

"Well it's part of my brand. If I run into fans, I want to make sure I have it on."

"Fans? What are you famous?" I chuckle

"You could say that." he smiles, picking his menu back up.

"I'm going to be honest here. I've never looked you up."

"That's probably best" he laughs

"Well now I'm curious. What's your username again?"

He sighs and smiles.


I grab my phone and I look it up on twitch.

Holy shit

"4.5 million followers? That's like 0.05 percent of the fucking population"

"How'd you do the math so fast" he asks, seemingly unfazed by the 4.5 million thing.

"I don't know. It's a gift I guess" I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure is. And yes. 4.5 million followers." he sighs

"That's actually pretty cool" I smile

"You should join my stream sometime" he smiles back

"Me? Why"

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now