Part 11

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~Alex's POV~


I quickly hang up and panic. I check Phil's channel. Of course it was one of his streams where he had tens of thousands of people.

I panic more and call the next person I think of.


"Hello?" he says as he picks up the call.

"Karl. Are you streaming?"

"No. Why?"

"I just majorly fucked up"

"I'm listening"

"So you know Addy, I helped her out with some mental health stuff and I realized I was in love with her so I called Phil when she left and I said 'I think I'm in love with Addy' and he was fucking streaming" I say in one breath.


"Shit indeed"

"No. Shit the clip is already trending on Twitter"

"No it's fucking not" I frantically opened Twitter and the first tweet that came up was the clip.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I close twitter and pace the room.

"Karl what the fuck do I do"

"Explain it to her"

"I can't while I'm fucking panicking"

"Well obviously. You've said fuck 10 times"

I flipped him off and sat back down.

"Wait until you calm down and then go to her dorm and explain everything."



"Thank you Karl"

"No problem man. Go get your girl" he smiles.

I smile back and hang up.

Thank god for Karl.

~Addy's POV~

I walked into my dorm and see Rory sitting there, staring at her phone in shock.

"What's up with you?" I ask, sitting next to her.

She shows me her phone and replays a clip from Phil's stream.

"I think I'm in love with Addy" I heard Alex's voice say.

I sit there in shock and replay the clip, making sure I heard it correctly.

"I have to go to Sofia's. Will you be ok?" she breathes out.

"Yeah.." I sigh.

Rory leaves and I lay down on my bed. I listened to some music while I thought.

Did I like Alex?

Did I love Alex?

I thought and thought.

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now