Part 3

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~Addy's POV~

I don't say this often, but god was I thankful for truth or dare. There Alex and I sat, hand in hand, looking at the clouds.

"That one looks like a penguin" he said, pointing at a blob in the sky.

"I don't see it" I say, squinting

" There's the head, the beak, the body"

"Holy shit you're right." I gasp

(Y'all need to remember this scene

"I like penguins" I smile

"So do I. They're just so cute"


I look at my watch, 4:57.

"I should get going" I grumble

"Alright. Let's do this again"

"Yeah. Let's do it again" I smile brightly.

"I'll text you" he said, smiling back.

"Alright." I say, standing up.

"See you soon"

"See you soon. Mr. Quackity" I chuckle

"Oh shut up" he blushes a bit.

He puts his beanie on over his flower crown and smiles a bit.

I walk out of the woods and I walk back home.

"Finally your home" Rory smiles as I walk in.

"It's only been like 5 hours" I roll my eyes.

"Five long hours of planning" she sighs

"Planning?" I say, sitting down next to her on her bed.

"Yeah. Our trip to France"

"What trip" I say, staring at her.

"We're going to France for Christmas!" she smiles

"No we're not it's too expensive." I scoff

"I just bought the tickets"

"No you didn't."

"I did though" she smirks, showing me her computer.

"Holy shit. You did"

"Are you excited"

"Of course I'm excited idiot" I say, hugging her and crying.


"How? How did you do it?" I say, letting go of her.

"I know people"

"I'm not going to ask anymore questions" I laugh.

"It's best if you don't"

"When do we leave?"

"December 22nd"

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ