Part 19

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TW: alcohol, mentions of vomit, fighting

time skip to new years eve

~Addy's POV~

"How many minutes until midnight" Sofia sighs, handing me a beer.

"Not sure. Where's Ash?" I discard of my old beer bottle and open the new one.

"They're throwing up in the bathroom" Rory sighs, walking in with a red solo cup

"You're so pretty" Alex smiles, resting his head on my lap.

"You've said that like 20 times in the past half hour" I giggle.

"But it's true" he smiles innocently.

"We're so drunk" Sofia giggles.

"I need a drink" Alex grumbles.

"You have one right here" I hand him a cup.

"Oh" he stares at it for a few minutes.

"I need a drink. Alcoholic or not I don't care" Ash declares, walking into the living room.

"One minute until midnight" Sofia squeals, turning the tv on.

We watch the screen closely, waiting for the ball to drop.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR" we yell, cheering afterwards.

"Happy new year" Alex kisses me softly.

"Happy new year" I giggle.

"Best 500 dollars I ever spent" Sofia sighs, watching us.

"What?" Alex looks at her.

"Y'know. The party, when Rory and I dared Addy to ask you out. We each put in 500 dollars" she takes a swig of her beer.

"What...? Addy is this true..?" he looks at me, hurt in his eyes.

"Oh shit she didn't tell you? My bad" Sofia yawns.

My heart drops to my feet and I go pale.

"I- uh- I was going to tell you but..but.. uh" I try to think of an excuse.

"But you what. You promised this wasn't a dare. You said you loved me. Was that a dare too? That's what I'm worth?" he said, his voice breaking slightly.

"No I do love you! I'm sorry! It's in the past now!" I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"I need a break. I need time to think" he grumbles, going to his room.

"Alex! Where are you going?" I follow him.

"Home." he's packing a bag.

"You're being so fucking immature! Yes it was a dare! Let's be honest here, I would've never even looked in your direction if it wasn't for the dare. I didn't care about you before the dare. Be fucking thankful for the dare!" I yell.

He stares at me for a second.

"I'm being immature? Look at yourself right now! I thought I could trust you" he zips the bag up.

"You're overreacting. Go fuck yourself" I scoff, leaving the room.

I watch as he leaves the house, not looking back once.

"That was fucked up" Rory looked at me.

"Sofia started it!" I point at her.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, running her hand through her hair.

"You're being a bitch. Goodnight Addy" Rory walks away, Sofia following her.

I stood there by myself, alone with my thoughts.

He was overreacting.

I'm not in the wrong.

I am in the wrong.


I feel tears roll down my face as I walk upstairs to my room. I close my door and lay down in my bed. My head throbbed and I had an achy feeling in my stomach. The alcohol is doing what alcohol does.

I squeeze my eyes closed and cry quietly, slowly falling asleep.

Acolyte ~Quackity x OC~Where stories live. Discover now