♡amavi♡ Chapter 11

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I dunno
Chapter: 11
Date: 14.10.2022
Time: 7:40 am

Last paragraphs:

Nothing found. But this 'name' is Korean and meant Killer. Well no idea what gender it has so I'll just go with 'her' since most cat's I met are female's.

After some time Hyunjin and Felix came over and talked to me. They even sneeked in sometimes for me. The little kitty was still here. It was playing with Changbin's key chain. Yeah he came over as well.

None's PoV


Hyunjin than only tried to be nice and wanted to walk normally toward Jisung on the bed and help him stand up. But the little kitty suddenly appeared infront of his legs and he panick so he fell down on top of Jisung on the bed.(I'm confused 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️)

It was quite for a minute but suddenly Changbin's phone rang and it definitely had to be "Careless wisper". Changbin laughed out loud and so did Hyunsung. The only one who was... mad?... was Felix. (😇😇)

"Why would you're phones ring tone be careless wisper."

Lee Know's PoV:

It was now a quarter past midnight. My roommate was still not back. I dunno why I cared about him. Maybe it's cause I wanted to give him a chance? Nonononono never again. The last time I trusted someone, it only ended up hurting me.

Currently I was twirling forth and back in my bed. My ego didn't let me call Hyunjin or Felix, to ask them when Jisung would come back. What if he wouldn't come anymore?

Now that I think about it... I should've just asked him normally the poor boy didn't do anything to deserve this. I'm such an asshole.

Finally I sat up and stretched my lower back  by bending down in between my legs until my forehead touched the bed sheets. After that I sat straight up and yawned. Maaaaaaaaan I feel so lonely and bored. Maybe I do really need attention like Felix once told me.

To be honest I kinda find Jisung not that bad. I mean I can act ok with him. The song of my phone ringged and cause of the Vibration that it cause I was able to get myself out of the dreaming zone. I looked at the screen of my phone and it said "Changbin♡". I didn't pick up. Not that I didn't want to but I just couldn't. And I also didn't save him as "Changbin♡" save him as this, he did it.

I thought about what I've done. What if he needed something or something had happened. With hesitating I pressed the call button. First ring. Second ring. Third ring and finally the ringing stopped."Hello? Minho?" I heard the voice of Changbin on the other end.
"Hi... you called for me?" I asked with long waits between. "Y-yes I just wanted to tell you... that something happened between Felix and Hyunjin right now so they can't come to the bar. Like Felix just left and I asked Hyunjin if he wanna still come and he said that 'Someone has to stay with Jisung' so he stood and now I'm coming over. You still going?"

With all this new information I had to think for a second. "What happened between Felix and Hyunjin?" I asked calmly. "Well... you know my ringtone right? That careless wisper one? Well see when you just called me I had the ringtone on full volume and in that moment when you called me Hyunjin slipped down and on top of Jisung and Felix got mad about the fact that the careless wisper played in the background and than Felix started to argue with me first and than with Jisung, who literally did nothing. Well he caused the poor boy to cry and that made Hyunjin hella mad and than they started to argue like a old married couple. Well than Hyunjin said "If I knew you would act like this I would've never taken those brownies of you, so we would've never been friends." With that Felix took the brownie box, which he baked for Jisung and threw it at him, well the sharp side of the box hit Jisung's face and made it bleed. You could see how Felix was on the urge to cry and so was Hyunjin. Felix just left the room leaving behind a crying Hyunjin and a crying Jisung. To be honest I have no clue why Hyunjin cried I mean the only one who got physically hurt and mentally that was Jisung. But yeah Hyunjin told me to leave since he would take care of Jisung and so I did I'm now in the first floor."

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