14. You Leave Me Paralyzed

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I run into Bobby in the parking lot. "Hey Bobby." I say. He hugs me. "Hey Parker." He says. We walk inside together. Dean opens the door. "Hey, Bobby." He says. Bobby hugs Dean. "Good to see you boys all in one piece." He says pulling away. He hugs Sam. "You weren't followed, were you?" Dean asks. "You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?" Bobby asks. Me and Sam laugh. "You heard." Sam chuckles. "I heard, Romeo. So...sword of Michael, huh?" Bobby asks. "You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean asks. "You better friggin' hope so." Bobby says. "That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got." He says showing Dean a picture in the book. I sit a bit away from them. "You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean says. "Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." Bobby says.

"So if we can find it..." Bobby starts. "We can kick the devil's ass all over again. All right. So, where do we start?" Sam asks. "Divvy up and start reading, try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense." Bobby says. Sam walks to the books but stops, staring at them. "Kid? You all right?" Bobby asks, looking at him. Sam turns to face him. "No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry." Sam sighs. "Sam..." I warn. "Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal." Sam says. "Sam, stop it." Dean looks at his brother. "I killed her, and I set Lucifer free." Sam sighs. "You what?" Bobby asks. "You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on." Sam sighs. Bobby stands and walks to Sam. "You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant." Bobby says angrily. "I'm sorry." Sam says. "Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me?" Bobby says angrily. Sam nods looking at his feet. "There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there." Sam says. "Yeah. You do that." Bobby says. Sam leaves.

We sit there in silence reading through books. "I never would have guessed that your daddy was right." Bobby says. "About what?" Dean asks. "About your brother." Bobby says. Dean looks at him. "What John said, you save Sam or kill him. Maybe..." Bobby starts. "Maybe what?" Dean asks. "Maybe we shouldn't have tried so hard to save him." Bobby says. "Bobby." I scold. "He ended the world, Parker. And you, Dean and I weren't strong enough to stop him proper. That's on us. I'm just saying, John was right." Bobby says. "Dad." Dean says and rummages through a bag. "It's got to be in here somewhere." He says pulling out a ziplock of cards. "What the hell are you talking about?" Bobby asks. "Here." Dean says pulling a card out. Dean and Bobby meet in the middle of the room. "I don't believe it." Dean says. "What the hell is it?" Bobby asks. "It's a card for my dad's lockup in upstate New York. Read it." Dean says handing it to him. "Castle Storage. 42 Rover Hill." Bobby reads. "Castle on a hill of forty-two dogs." I say as Dean takes the card back. "So you think your dad had the Michael sword all this time?" Bobby asks. "I don't know. I'm not sure what else Chuck could have meant." Dean says. "Yeah. Okay. It's good enough for me." Bobby says. He attacks Dean. He slams him down and his eyes go black.

I go at him with the knife. A girl comes in. She grabs me, slamming me down. She gets the knife from me. "Sorry honey." She smiles at me before standing. She turns to Dean who was being held by Bobby. "I always knew you were a big, dumb, slow, dim pain in the ass, Dean. But I never dreamed you were so V.I.P." She smirks. "I mean, you're gonna ice the devil? You? If I'd have known that, I'd have ripped your pretty, pretty face off ages ago." She continues. "Ruby?" Dean questions. "Try again. Go back further." She says as the other demon stands me up. He holds me. "Meg?" Dean asks. "Hi. These are the days of miracle and wonder, Dean. Our father's among us. You know we're all dreaming again for the first time since we were human? It's heaven on earth. Or hell. We really owe your brother a fruit basket." She laughs. "My god, you like the sound of your own voice." Dean groans. "But you, on the other hand, you're the only bump in the road. So every demon, every single one, is just dying for a piece of you." She smirks, playing with the knife. Dean smirks. "Get in line." He says. "Oh, I'm in the front of the line, baby. Let's ride." She says, grabbing his face. She kisses him. "Get your hands off him bitch." I struggle against the demon. She pulls away. "What is that, peanut butter?" He asks. She looks at me.

"You his girlfriend?" She asks. "Something like that." I spat. She laughs. "It's ok sugar. You can have some too." She says, grabbing my face. She kisses me. "Hey now!" Dean shouts. She giggles and pulls away, turning back to him. "You know, your surrogate daddy's still awake screaming in there. And I want him to know how it feels slicing the life out of you." She says pointing to Bobby. She hands the knife to Bobby. He raises it to Dean's throat. "Bobby!" Dean shouts. Bobby looks at Meg. "Now!" She shouts. "Bobby! No!" Dean exclaims. The demon had the knife raised. His black eyes suddenly clear. He brings the knife down and stabs himself. He collapses. The other demon slams Dean into the wall. I run to Bobby being free. "Hang on Bobby." I say pulling the knife out. I grab an extra shirt and hold pressure down. Sam busts in. Dean was getting beaten. "No!" He exclaims. "Heya, Sammy. You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you." Meg smirks. "Meg?" Sam asks. She smiles at him. He swings at her. He misses. She kicks him in the crotch and he collapses. "It's not so easy without those super-special demon powers, huh, Sammy?" She giggles. I grab the knife and stab the male demon. He falls off of Dean. I go for Meg but she smokes out.

We get Bobby to the emergency room. "Need some help here!" Dean shouts. "What happened?" A nurse asks. "He was stabbed." I say. "Can we get a gurney?" The nurse calls. "Hang on, Bobby. Hang in there. You're gonna be okay." Dean says as they get him on it. We go to follow. "Just wait here." The nurse says. "We can't just leave him." I say. "Just don't move. I've got questions." She says before following.
"We got to go." Dean says. "No." I say. "No way, Dean." Sam says. "The demons heard where the sword is. We got to get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. Come on!" Dean exclaims. We leave. Dean drives us quickly to the storage unit. We get out. We open the trunk. We start to load guns. We walk to the door. Dean unlocks it. We go inside guns raised. There are dead bodies on the floor. Demons. "I see you told the demons where the sword is." A voice says. We turn to see Zach with two other angels. Fuck.

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