6. Oh Brother

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We had come to Adam's house. Dean was holding a picture of Adam and John. I rub his shoulder. "He took you to a baseball game?" Dean asks. "Yeah, when I turned fourteen. Dad was around for a few of my birthdays." Adam says. "September twenty-ninth, two thousand four. One word. 'Minnesota.'" Sam says looking in John's journal. "He took you to a freakin' baseball game?" Dean asks, getting angry. "Dean..." I sigh grabbing onto his shoulders from behind. I feel his muscles start to relax beneath my hands. "Yeah. Why? What'd Dad do with you on your birthday?" Adam asks. "Not much." I answer as I comfort Dean. "Oh..." Dean says as Adam takes the picture back. Dean frowns. Adam sighs. "Adam, you said you called Dad because your mom was missing." Sam says, trying to change the subject. "Yeah." Adam nods. "How long has she been gone?" Sam asks. "Three days." Adam answers. "Who was the last person to see her?" I ask. "Mr. Abbinanti, our neighbor. He saw her come home Tuesday night, but she never showed up to work on Wednesday." Adam says.

I see Dean take notice to the photo of John and Kate. She did look a lot like their mother. I just hold him. "Did you call the police?" Sam asks. "Mom's supervisor at the hospital did. And then I drove down here as fast as I could." Adam says. He pauses and looks down. "I should have been here." He says sadly. "What'd the, uh, what'd the cops say?" Dean asks. "That they, uh, they searched the house. They didn't find anything." Adam says. "She wouldn't leave without telling anybody. It's like she just dropped off the face of the earth, you know?" He adds. We go to her bedroom and start searching around. There were more pictures. I could tell it was really bothering Dean. "The, uh, nightstand was knocked over. Was there anything else?" Dean asks. "Oh, not really. The sheriff said there's no sign of a break-in." Adam says. Me and Dean looked around closely. "What, you think the cops missed something?" Adam asks. "Maybe. Yeah. They don't have my eyes." Dean says. "You're a mechanic." Adam says. "Yeah. That's right." Dean nods looking around more. "Dean, what else can you tell me about Dad?" Adam asks. "You knew him." Dean says. "Not as well as you." Adam says. "Trust me, kid, you don't want to know." Dean says. Sam appears in the doorway. He holds up some papers. "Give us a minute." Dean says and walks out with Sam, leaving me alone with Adam.

"What did Dean mean by that?" He asks me. I know it's not really him but Adam deserved to know the truth. "They moved around a lot. Living in and out of hotels. John left him to look after Sam constantly. He hit Dean. He definitely wasn't father of the year. But his wife died so what do you expect?" I shrug. He looks at me sadly. "I didn't realize." He says. "You had it good kid. Just remember your dad the way you saw him. That's just why they react the way they do. Don't hold it against them." I say. "So are you and Dean together?" He asks. "We're something. I don't really know yet." I say. He nods. He sits on the bed. Dean and Sam come back in. "Hey, does your mom know Joe Barton?" Dean asks, holding up a picture of the man. "Uh, I don't think so. Why?" Adam asks. Dean looks at Sam. When he looks back at Adam he notices the scratches near his feet. "What is it?" Adam asks as Dean approaches. "Watch out." Dean says. He glances under the bed. "Give me a hand with the mattress." He tells Adam. They lift the mattress together. There is a vent. Dean looks at Sam. They begin rock paper scissors. Dean loses rock on scissors. Dean throws a little fit. I giggle. "Every time." He huffs. He goes down in. We wait a while. After a bit Dean comes back. "There is a lot of blood down there." He says. Adam bites his lip. "Call the cops." Dean tells him. We walk downstairs and outside. We get away before the police show up.

We drive to a hotel. Sam goes in our room. I stop Dean before he reaches the door. "Do you wanna talk? I know that was hard for you." I say. "It just isn't fair." He says leaning against the hood of the impala. "I know." I say. "He treated us like shit. His kids with his wife he was so hell bent on avenging and turns out he has a whole ass other family." He sighs. "Your father was a confusing man. But he did love you." I say cupping his cheeks. He looks at me. I look at him. He leans down and kisses me. I kiss back. He drags me closer by my hips. I moan softly. He kisses down my jaw. I moan out. The door to the hotel opens and suddenly I'm a couple feet away. "You guys good out here?" Sam asks. "Yeah, just talking." I say. He nods and goes back inside. I look at Dean. He smirks before walking to the door. We go inside. Dean sits on the bed and begins to clean his saw off. There's a knock after a minute. I answer the door. Adam rushes in past me.

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