8. The Novak's

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"The hell are you talking about, I can't go home?" Jimmy asks when we break it to him. "There's a good chance you have a bull's-eye on your back." I say. "What? From who?" Jimmy asks. "Demons." Dean says. "Come on, that's crazy. What do they want with me?" Jimmy scoffs. "I don't know, information, maybe?" Dean says. "I don't know anything." Jimmy says. "I know, but..." Dean starts. "Look, I'm done, okay? With demons, angels, all of it. I just want to go home." Jimmy says. "We understand." I say. "I don't think that you do understand. I've been shot and stabbed and healed, and my body has been dragged all over the Earth. By some miracle, I'm out, and I am done. I've given enough, okay?" He rambles. "Look, all we're saying is that until we figure this out, the safest place is with us." Sam says. "How long?" Jimmy asks. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I say. Jimmy tries to get past me out the door. "Where are you going?" Dean asks. "To see my wife and daughter, okay?" Jimmy says. "No, you're not. You're just going to put those people in danger." I say. "So, what, now I'm a prisoner?" Jimmy asks. "Harsh way to put it." I say.

I was putting my boots on. Sam let Jimmy get away while me and Dean were sleeping. "Dean. Would you hurry up?" Sam asks as he quickly packs a bag. Dean laughs as he looks around the corner, toothbrush in his mouth. I giggle. He was so cute. "Sorry, uh, this is funny to you?" Sam asks, annoyed. "Mr. Big-Bad-Prison-Guard, Jimmy McMook give you the slip? Yeah, it's pretty funny. What were you doing, anyway?" Dean laughs. "I was getting a Coke." Sam says rolling his eyes as he zips the duffle. "Was it a refreshing Coke?" Dean asks, looking so pleased with himself. "I'd hope so." I laugh. Dean snorts. "Can we just go, please?" Sam asks. He walks outside. Dean finishes getting ready. "He's such a party pooper." He says. I giggle and walk to him. "Ready?" He asks. I nod. We go outside and get in the Impala. We fly towards where he lives.

We were all sitting in silence staring at the road. "Hey, guys." Anna says, appearing next to me. I scream. "Aah! Jeez." Dean jumps as he swerves. "Smooth." Anna says next to me. "You ever try calling ahead?" Dean asks. "I like the element of surprise." She says. "Well, you look terrific." He says looking at her. I frown and look out the window. "Um, yeah, not the most appropriate time, Dean. You let Jimmy get away?" She asks. She looks over at me. "Oh who's this?" She asks. "That's Parker." Sam says. "Hi Parker." She says smiling at him. "Hi." I mumble. "Is she shy?" She asks. I shake my head. Dean looks at me in the rearview. "Parker what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing." I say. He pulls over and slams on the breaks. "Outside. Now." He says as he throws the impala in park. We get out. We walk to the back of the car.

"What's the matter?" He asks. "What you said. About Anna." I say. "Shit. Parker I'm sorry." He sighs. "I get you guys fucked and all but I thought we had something going..." I start. He takes my hands. "We do have something going." He says. I look at him. "I'm just not used to having someone." He says. I nod. We get back in the car. He drives again. Sam looks between us. "So you guys let Jimmy go." Anna says. "Talk to ginormo here." Dean says pointing to Sam. She looks at Sam confused. "Sam. You seem different." She says. "Me? I don't know. Heh. A haircut?" He asks. "That's not what I'm talking about." She says giving him a look. He turns from her. "So, what'd Jimmy tell you? He remember anything?" She asks. "Why? What's going on?" I ask. "She speaks. But it's Cas. He got sent back home. Well, more like dragged back." She says, giving me a surprised look. "To heaven? That's not a good thing?" Dean asks.

"No. That's a very bad thing. Painfully, awfully bad. He must have seriously pissed someone off." She says. "Cas said he had something to tell me. Something important." Dean says. "What?" She asks. "We don't know." I say. "Does Jimmy know?" She asks. "I don't think so." Dean says. "You don't think so? Whatever it is, it's huge. You gotta find out for sure." She says. "That's why we're going after Jimmy." Sam says. "That's why you shouldn't have let him go in the first place. He's probably dead already." She says. I sigh. She leans up placing a hand on Dean's shoulder. "See you soon?" She asks. "Hopefully not. I plan on not screwing up again." He gulps. She looks at him confused. "Babe remind me to not screw up again." He says looking back at me. "Of course honey." I smile. She sits back and then disappears. "So you guys are fucking?" Sam laughs. "Shut up Sam." I mumble.

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