5. Daddy Dearest

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I wake up in the backseat of the impala. I sit up. Dean jolts up in the front seat. We get out. "Hey. How'd you sleep?" Sam asks us. "I slept ok." I say. "How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast." Dean grumbles. "Where? We're like two hours from anything." Sam says. "But I'm hungry now." Dean whines. I giggle. "Sorry baby." I tease like he was a child. He rolls his eyes. "There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat." Sam says. Dean grabs the bag and opens it. He sniffs inside. His nose wrinkles. "It's tuna." He says disgusted. A phone starts to ring in the glove box. Dean reaches in and opens the glove box. He grabs the ringing phone. "Isn't that Dad's phone?" Sam asks. Dean flips it open and presses the answer button. He brings it to his ear. "Hello?" He answers. They talk for a while till Dean hangs up. Dean stares out. I walk over.

"Hey everything all right?" I ask. "Did you know?" Dean asks. "Dean, you know I can't answer that." I say. "Is there anything you can answer?" He asks angrily. "Dean I..." I start. "You always act mysterious. Saying you can't say it'll screw shit up. What about what I need?" He asks angrily. "Dean lay off her. Shes been through enough already. You know she can't say anything about what she knows." Sam says. Tears well in my eyes as I step back from Dean. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden. If I could go home I would. I don't wanna be here anymore." I cry. Sam looks at me sadly. "Parker I..." Dean stutters. I turn from him walking towards the water. "She has done so much for us. Stuck by us." Sam scolds him. "I hate that she has to hide so much." Dean says. "She's got angels watching her. She got dragged from her family and everyone she knew to help fulfill our destiny." Sam says.

"I know." Dean sighs. "Go apologize." Sam says. Dean walks over. "I'm sorry." Dean says. "I know." I whisper. "It just frustrates me when you know everything and can't tell us a thing." He says. "It kills me." I say. "I appreciate everything you do for me and Sam." He says. "I know. Let's go." I say. We walk to the car. We drive to Minnesota. We park at the diner. We get out and walk around to the trunk. "Dean, look, best I can tell, Adam Milligan is real." Sam says. Dean unlocks the trunk and opens it. He opens the weapon compartment. "Um, born September twenty-ninth, 1990 to Kate Milligan. No father listed on the birth certificate. He's an Eagle Scout." Sam reads. Dean pulls out an assortment of weapons. I grab Ruby's knife. Dean smiles at me. "Graduated from high school with honors and currently goes to the University of Wisconsin... biology major, pre-med." Sam continues.

Dean closes the weapon compartment. "Dean? Parker? You listening?" Sam asks. "This is a trap." Dean says as he closes the trunk. We walk into the diner. We scan the diner. We pick a far table with four chairs. We sit. Dean and Sam sat on one side. I sit across the table from Dean leaving an empty seat next to me. "Dean, I'm telling you, the kid checks out." Sam says. "Great, so he's an actual person on the planet Earth. Sucks he's got a demon in him." Dean grumbles. "Hi. Welcome to Cousin Oliver's." The waitress says bringing us water. "Thanks." Sam smiles. "Can I..." She starts. "We're actually waiting on somebody." I interrupt her. She seemed annoyed as she put the menus down. "Thank you." Sam says again. Dean pours his glass into the plant behind him. He unscrews a flask. "Holy water?" I ask. "Yup." Dean says as he refills the glass. "One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch is gonna be in a world of hurt." Dean says. Dean pulls out a felt wrapping. "And what if he's not possessed?" Sam asks. He switches out the silverware.

"Then he is a shapeshifter." Dean says. "Hence the silver." Sam says. "Can never be too careful." I say. "Look, either way, this thing is gonna bleed. I mean, using Dad as bait? That's the last mistake of its short, pitiful life." Dean says. Sam frowns. I sigh. "What?" Dean asks. Sam looks away. "What?" Dean asks again. "Dean...listen. There's an entry in Dad's journal." Sam says as he flips through John's journal. "From January of 1990, saying he's headed to Minnesota to check out a case. That's, roughly, oh, about nine months before the kid was born." Sam says. "Coincidence." Dean says. "Coincidence. Next two pages of the journal... torn out." Sam says, showing us the ripped pages. "You're not actually buying this, are you?" Dean asks him. "Look, man, I don't want to believe it either, I'm just saying it's possible." Sam says. "I mean, Dad would be gone for weeks at a time, and he wasn't exactly a monk." He adds. I snort.

"I mean, a hunter rolls into town, kills a monster, saves the girl...sometimes the girl's grateful." Sam says. "TMI." I giggle. "Well, now I'm thinking about Dad sex. Stop talking." Dean shivers. I giggle. "Maybe he slipped one past the goalie." Sam continues. "Dude!" Dean exclaims. "Gross." I shiver. The door opens. A young man steps in. Adam. Well atleast the ghoul who was pretending to be him. Fake it till you make it Parker. "Adam?" Sam calls. Adam looks our way. I raise my hand. He walks over sitting next to me. "You Sam?" Adam asks Sam. "Yeah. Uh, this is Dean. And Parker." Sam says. "Hey." Adam awkwardly waves. "So, um...how did you know my dad?" Adam asks. "Uh, we worked together." Sam says. "I'm just here for emotional support." I say. "How did he die?" Adam asks. "On the job." Sam says. "He was a mechanic, right?" Adam asks. "A car fell on him." Dean says. "Hey, Adam. How you doing?" The waitress asks Adam as she puts a water down. Dean takes it. "Oh, I'll take that. I am very thirsty." Dean says. I giggle.

"The usual, Adam?" She asks, annoyed. "Uh, yeah. Thanks, Denise." Adam says. Adam takes the glass. We all watch as he drinks it. "So, uh, when's the last time you saw John?" Sam asks. "I don't even know. It's...a couple years." Adam says. I hear Dean's gun under the table. I put my hand over the barrel, shaking my head. "Why did you decide to call him now?" Sam asks. "I didn't know who else to call. He's the only family I got." Adam says. Sam looks confused. "My mom's missing." Adam adds. "Really? I'm sorry. Uh, for how long?" I ask. "It's tragic, really. But if you're John's kid, how come we've never heard of you?" Dean cuts in. "'Cause John and me didn't really know each other. Not until a few years ago, anyway." Adam says. "What do you mean?" Sam asks. "My mom never talked about him. I knew some stuff." Adam shrugs. "What kind of stuff?" I ask. "My mom's a nurse, and Dad came into the ER, pretty torn up. Hunting accident or something. And I knew his name. John Winchester. That's about it. We're not exactly a nuclear family." Adam explains.

"Yeah, well, who is these days?" Sam chuckles. "So, when did you, uh, when did you finally meet him?" Dean asks. "When I was twelve. My mom had one of his old numbers, and...and after I begged her...God, twenty-four-seven... she finally called him. God, when John heard he had a son, he raced to town. I mean, he dropped everything. He drove all night." Adam says. Denise sets a plate in front of Adam. "There you go." She says. "Thanks." Adam smiles. Denise walks off. "Well, that's heartwarming." Dean says. Adam points to his food. "You mind?" He asks. "Please, dig in." Dean says. "He would swing by once a year or so." Adam says as he starts to eat. Nothing when he touched the silverware. "You know, called when he could. But still..." He continues as he eats. Dean finally puts the gun away. I sigh. "He taught me poker and pool and even bought me my first beer when I was fifteen. And, uh...he showed me how to drive. Dad, he had this beautiful 'sixty-seven Impala..." Adam continues. "Oh, this is crap. You know what, you're lying." Dean says.

"No, I'm not." Adam says defensively. "Uh, yeah, you are." Dean says. "I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to call me a liar?" Adam asks angrily. "We're John Winchester's sons, that's who." Dean says pointing between him and Sam. "We are his sons." Dean says. Adam stares in disbelief. "I've got brothers?" He asks. "No, you don't have brothers. Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter or what kind of game you're playing here." Dean says. "I have never been hunting in my life." Adam says confused. "Whatever. I'm out of here. Come on, Sam, Parker." Dean says going to leave. "I can prove it." Adam says. We look at him.

In My Dreams |Dean Winchester|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin