4. Firey Demonic Passion

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We get to the motel and park. We look at the sign. Dean shakes his head. We go to the room. "Come on. We're getting out of here." Dean says. "What? Where?" Sam asks. "Anywhere, okay? Out of this motel, out of this town. I don't care if we got to swim, we are getting out." Dean says. He looks around confused. "Dude, where are all the hex bags?" He asks. "I burned them." Sam says. "You what?" Dean asks. "Look, if Lilith is coming, which is a big "if"..." Sam starts. "No, no, no. It's more than an "if." Chuck is not a psychic. He's a prophet." I say. "What?" Sam asks. "Cas showed up, and apparently Chuck is writing the gospel of us." Dean says. "Ok." Sam nods. "Okay. Let's get the hell out of here." Dean says grabbing our bags. "No." Sam crosses his arms. "Lilith is gonna slaughter you." I say. "Maybe she will, maybe she won't." He shrugs. "So what? You think you can take her?" Dean asks. "Only one way to find out, Dean, and I say bring her on." Sam says.

"Sam..." I sigh. "You think I'll do it, don't you? You think I'll go dark side." He says motioning angrily towards us. "Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing?" Dean says angrily. "Oh, I know. How you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly. Cas told me, okay?" He continues. "What else did he tell you?" Sam asks jaw clenched. "Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how." Dean says. "You're not gonna like this path Sam. I promise you." I say. "It's not what you think." Sam says. "Then what is it, Sam? 'Cause I'm at a total loss." Dean sighs. "Are you coming or not?" I ask. "No." Sam says. Dean slams the bag on the chair before storming out. I give Sam a look. "He just wants what's best for you. I want what's best for you." I say. "He doesn't get it." He says. "I do." I say. "You don't understand shit. You're on his side." He says.

"Yeah I don't understand? I haven't told Dean or Cas about how you've been juicing up. And I won't because they gotta figure it out themselves." I say. "I forget you know everything." He sighs. "You shouldn't do this. But I can't stop you." I say and go to follow Dean. He was on the sidewalk. "Well, I feel stupid doing this. But... I am fresh out of options. So please. I need some help. I'm praying, okay? Come on. Please." He says as I walk up behind him. "Prayer is a sign of faith. This is a good thing, Dean." Cas says from behind me. I scream in shock. Dean whips around. "Dammit Cas." I groan. "I'm sorry." He says to me. "So does that mean you'll help us?" Dean asks him. "I'm not sure what I can do." Cas sighs. "Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up." Dean says. "It's a prophecy. I can't interfere." Cas sighs. "You have tested me and thrown me every which way. And I have never asked for anything. Not a damn thing. But now I'm asking. I need your help. We need your. Please." Dean says desperately. "What you're asking, it's... not within my power to do." Cas says sadly.

"Why? 'Cause it's "divine prophecy"?" Dean asks. "Yes." Cas nods. "So, what... We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen?" Dean asks. "I'm sorry." Cas sighs. "crew you. You and your mission. Your God. If you don't help me now, then when the time comes and you need me... don't bother knocking." Dean pushes past him. "Dean. Dean." Cas says turning to him. "What?!" Dean exclaims turning around. "You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected." Cas says. "I get that." Dean says. "If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to destroy that threat. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon." Cas says. "And these archangels, they're tied to prophets?" Dean asks. "Yes." Cas nods.

"So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon..." Dean smirks. "Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand... why I can't help." Cas smirks back. "Thanks Cas." Dean smiles. "Good luck." Cas says. Dean gets in the car. I go to follow. Cas grabs my arm. I look at him. "You're gonna influence his decision for Michael. Make him choose right." He says before disappearing. I get in the car. "What he say?" Dean asks. "Nothing I didn't already know." I say. He nods. We head to Chuck's. He was laying on the couch. He jumps when we enter. "What are you doing here? I didn't write this." He says confused. Dean pulls him up. "Come on. I need you to come with me." He says. "What? where?" Chuck asks. "To the motel where Sam is." I say. "That's where Lilith is." Chuck shrinks down. "Yeah, exactly. We need you to stop her." Dean says. "Are you insane? Lilith? I know what she's capable of, Dean. I wrote her." Chuck says defensively. "All right, listen to me. You have an archangel tethered to you, okay? All you got to do is show up and boom! Lilith gets smoked." Dean says.

"But I... I haven't seen that yet. Th... the story..." Chuck stutters. "Chuck, you're the only shot that we've got left." I say. "But... I'm just a writer." Chuck says. "This isn't a story anymore, man. This is real! And you're in it! Now, I need you to get off your ass and fight. Come on, Chuck." Dean says. "Please Chuck." I beg. "No friggin' way." Chuck whines. "Okay, well, then, how about this... I've got a gun in my pocket, and if you don't come with me, I'll blow your brains out." Dean says. "Me too." I say. "I thought you said I was protected by an archangel." Chuck says. "Well, interesting exercise. Let's see who the quicker draw is." I say reaching in my pocket. He gulps. "Fine." He says. We get him to the car. Dean flies to the hotel room. We get out and burst inside. Lilith was attacking Sam.

"I am the prophet Chuck!" Chuck announces stopping her attack on Sam. "You've got to be joking." She says getting up and starting to walk over. "Oh, this is no joke." Dean says as the room shakes and a bright light pours through the windows. "got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal. You sure you want to tangle with that?" Dean asks loudly. She looks at Sam before smoking out. Her meat suit collapses. We say our farewells to Chuck and get in the Impala. We take off. The tarp in the rear windshield flapping behind me. I finally tune into their conversation. "So a deal, huh?" Dean asks, looking at Sam. "That's what she said." Sam says. "To call the whole thing off... angels, seals, Lucifer rising, the whole nine?" Dean asks. "That was the gist of it." Sam shrugs. "Huh." Dean thinks to himself.

"What?" Sam asks. "You didn't think once about taking it?" Dean asks. "You kidding me? Dude, you spent all day trying to talk me off the Lilith track." Sam says. "I'm just saying..." Dean shrugs. "She would have found some way to weasel out of it. And all it would have cost us was our lives." Sam says. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Dean sighs. "Anyway, that's not the point." Sam says. "The point is, she's scared. I could see it. Lilith is running." Sam says. "Running from what?" Dean asks. "Don't know. But she was telling the truth about one thing." Sam says. "What's that?" Dean asks looking at him. "She's not gonna survive the apocalypse." I say and look between them. Sam nods. "I'll make sure of that." Sam says. We all look forward at the road. Here we go.

In My Dreams |Dean Winchester|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz