CHAPTER NINETEEN: Idk what to call this chapter. Random stuff ig :)

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My updates are going to be a lot less regular from now on. Actually, they have been since late September.

But I'm back with another update! Enjoy :)


Seriously, who thought that describing eyes as ORBS was a good idea? It's stupid. So stupid. ORBS. 🔮🔮

Usually writer's would be like 'hIs ClEaR bLuE ✨oRbS✨

But if you wanted to describe the character's eye color, you know 'irises' work too, right? 

Don't call eyes orbs, guys. Just don't. If you do, then you FAIL SANA'S WRITING CLASS! (It is too a thing! I just invented it! 😤)


The 'i put on some jeans. I put on some sneakers. I put on a t-shirt. I put on a light dusting of makeup' thing. It's #stupid . 

First of all, would you say that, or think that, on a daily basis? My guess is no. So don't write it

There's more words to describe putting on an outfit for the day. 

For example, 'tugged on some jeans' or 'shoved my feet into a pair of sneakers' or 'dusted on some light makeup' or 'pulled a t-shirt on'.

You don't have to say 'I put on' 'I put on.'

Uhhh yeah. Short chapter. But I gave ya something. You're welcome. 

Sorry I was lil bit aggressive in there. But I had to get my point across. DON'T CALL EYES ORBS. 

And. I would greatly appreciate if you voted. I don't think you readers truly know how much a vote means to us writers.


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