CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Inspiration :)

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Like I said in the previous chapter, I was running out of inspiration for a new chapter, but here I am! With a new Chapter! Called Inspiration!

And I promise I am VERY SORRY about disappearing for over a week.  

Inspiration! It hits you like a speeding bullet during, say, a test, and refuses to show it's face when you actually sit down to write. The most INCONSISTENT thing in the world, amirite? Trust me, I've been there done that. So. Fudging. Annoying.

Inspiration is precious. It's rare. It lets you down when you need it the most. So naturally, you need to find a way to hold onto it. You need to be able to call it back when you need it.

And how I like to do that? I like to take notes. 

An idea hits me in the middle of math class, I take a pencil and scribble it down on the desk, or jot it down on my palm with a marker. Then, I can actually record it on something, like a notebook reserved for writing or Notes app on your phone. 

It doesn't have to be a major breakthrough idea. Remember, inspiration is a rare privilege, (for me, at least), so when a word or phrase catches my eye, I pull out my phone and take note of it. Nothing too fancy. Sometimes when I'm reading, I type more than I actually read, because I'm pretty busy looking at words and stuff and thinking 'ooh! pretty!' or 'ooh! nice!' or 'ooh! that's brutal!'. Anything that could be useful, or not useful at all, I make sure not to forget it. You'll never know when you need it

I'll show you my list minus the more personal stuff and some potential spoilers for my book that I'm working on.

It's called: Random Book Idea Stuff idk Don't you dare look get the heck outta here. 

(The last part was for my parents)

1- her eyes were bright, ignited by her burning fury

2- The heavy fleece did little to protect her from the icy wind/brittle cold

3- the class chorused back

4- I had lost the feeling in my hands, which was in some ways- a blessing. At least I couldn't feel the merciless bite of the cold air.

5- My crippling self doubt

6- the familiar, musky, old-people-scent greets me as I limp inside. Even if it isn't exactly an Elysian, I'm thankful for some comfort from my old life that I left behind.

7- turn a blind eye

8- caught wind of it

9- a fleeting smile

10- a fleeting glance

11- a sheepish grin

12- piercing stares

13- I could practically feel them burn a hole through the back of my head

14- halted to a stop

15- breathing life into it

16- I smirked. "Honey, I'm a nightmare dressed as a daydream."

17- I mirror their actions

18- mocking my attempts

19- it's risky

20- making her head spin

21- bright fluorescent lights

22- shrinking under their glares

23- precious

24- left without a backward glance.

25- developed a sudden interest in their feet

26- burden

Yeah. that's my list so far. Just thought I'd provide that as an example.

And it would mean THE WORLD to me if you voted. If you want. Anyway. Bye. Bye. Byeee. Bye! 

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