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This is something I've seen a lot of writers on Wattpad struggle with, and that includes me. (Even though I don't write on Wattpad.)

Tip number one: make things realistic, but not too realistic. 

For example, you know when you want to say something, but your mind refuses to cooperate? When the word you're looking for is on the tip of your tongue but you can't quite spit it out?

Okay, that sounded weird, but that's not the point. 

You don't want to write that part. Make your characters never have that one word that they can't remember.

Why? Because it sounds too intentional. It wouldn't really be necessary. Does it do something to move the story along? Most likely not. So don't do it.

Tip number two: If your character is mad, sad, happy, lay it down heavy. So if they're mad, they'd probably yell and curse a lot. 

Just don't curse too much. It starts to get annoying.

If they're sad, they might blame everything messed up that happened on themselves. They might feel hopeless. Push others away. The sadness might evolve into anger.

If they're happy, then they might thank everyone for everything and in general, act very excited.

For different emotions, try to imagine how you would react if you were in your mc's position. What would you say? What would you do? That's what you want to write.

If your mc's trying to tell someone something that's hard to hear, then they might stutter, trail off, etc., etc.,

If your mc's nervous, they might start talking really fast and imagine every worst case scenario.  

It all comes back to you. What would you say? How would you act? What would you do? And that applies throughout your entire book.

Why? Because your mc probably has a living conscience. And you are a living conscience. And what living conscience do you know better than yourself?

Okay, that strayed a little off topic, but it's IMPORTANT.

And now it's time for my little reminder to please vote. So... yeah. Vote. Please. Pretty pretty please? 🥺

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