CHAPTER TWELVE: Writer's Block :)

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Writer's block is something every writer struggles with. I, personally, am going on a long writers block right now. I haven't written anything in like a month.

But what you probably have more interest in: how to cure it.

This is different for everyone. Different things cause it, different things cure it, etc., etc.

This is what helps me, and what I'm trying to do now: look for inspiration. 

Scroll through Pinterest, listen to Taylor Swift, read books, use writing prompts to get your creative flow back.

I've also been watching YouTube videos on how to cure it, and though I haven't found this particularly helpful, I'm going to tell you because it might be the thing that cures your writer's block.

So in summary, this is what the video said. 'Writer's block is the block that blocks your ideas and creative flow from making it onto your page. Writer's block is essentially the fear of writing sh*t. (Yes, he actually said that.) So you need to get rid of that fear of writing sh*t. Set a timer for three minutes, and just type every single thing that comes to mind. It might be sh*tty. (This guy says poop a lot.) But that's okay, you can edit it later. But your problem's solved. You've gotten rid of your Writer's Block.'

I don't know much on how to cure writer's block, but it's a huge problem, so I figured I'd better write something on that, even if it sin't that helpful. But I guess even the little things can help.

So find inspiration. If you have no idea on what should happen next, find inspiration and brainstorm

And. Uhm. I would really appreciate it if you voted. Yeah. Thanks

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