CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Little Wattpad Trick :)

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Yes, I know that this technically isn't a writing tip, but Wattpad really helps you set the plot of your story. And I know this chapter will be short, and I know that I didn't help you yesterday because I had a swim class, but this is something that could seriously help you. I know all of my chapters on the plot and characters and stuff are all a little hard to keep all in your head, so the Wattpad thing is amazing.

You're probably yelling at me to tell you how the Hades you do it already, so I'm going to quit stalling and tell you.

You know how when you create a new story there's the place it takes you where you put in your mc's name and the mature ratings and what age group your book is intended for and stuff? Above it you, you should be on a tab called Story Details. Then next to it, there should be another tab called Table of Contents and then to the right to that, there should be one more tab called Story Notes. That's where you want to be. There should be a little paragraphs about the protagonist and if you click 'more' it should take you to another book where they go into detail about your character, and it's an entire book very much like this one. (Please don't abandon me!! 😭)

Under it, there's a lot of stuff that can be your character/story/plot check list. How your character changes, whether it's a positive change or a negative one, what the ultimate goal is, etc., etc. It's really great. 

For the ultimate plot, that's really little feature on Wattpad is all you need. Unfortunately, that's not all that you need to make reading your book an enjoyable experience, so it doesn't give you everything. But it certainly helps, doesn't it? 

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