CHAPTER TEN: Character Development :)

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I don't have very much to offer on this platform. I'm a little terrible at writing character development, but I figured I should have a chapter explaining what I know about it

And this is future me saying: A helpful reader who's obviously more qualified to give you readers writing tips (T-T) told me about a thing called a 'static character' apparently a character who stays the same all throughout the book. THANK YOU @dugo_reyn !!

Character development might be essential in your book. To have growth in your characters is extremely important. In 99.9 percent of books, the mc achieves some, and loses some. The achievements, and also the loss often helps your mc learn something. And that thing they learn can change them in little ways. Help them be a better person, or just a little different. Not in a bad way, but it doesn't have to be good either.

So don't make your characters perfect. Make them have their imperfections, and slowly solve them little by little in your book. Maybe your mc learns something to help themselves be better to other people, or it can be beneficial for only themselves. It doesn't really matter, as long as it's there. 

Because your book isn't just about the plot. There's your characters to think about too. Yes, your characters execute your plot, but they aren't the plot themselves, if that makes any sense. In your book, they're real people. Or animals. Or whatever your mc is. 

Enemies to lovers character development.

That type of character development is a completely different story. (Pun intended. Hehe)

Your characters will probably still change some, but they will also change the way they treat each other, or think of each other. It's tricky, and I can't say much about this because I'm insanely terrible at writing it. I really don't know what advice to give you on this. Maybe make them get to know each other more, because if they don't like each other at first, they would avoid each other at all costs. It only takes four minutes to tell if you like someone, you know. Ah, I'm sorry, these are crappy tips. I advise you to check another book for this one. Sorry. 

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